There are plenty of jokes about lawyers, but they serve a very good purpose in times like these. They dedicate their lives to law, order, and bureaucracy. This is our way of saying, if you have a legal issue, you’ll need to speak to legal counsel, as we aren't legal professionals. With that said, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act is aiming to help those who have served their country do something that is most unlikely or impossible: sue the government. It doesn’t take a Harvard Law student to understand that winning a lawsuit against the United States is a difficult task, and this is still no guarantee of success, but a new law is aiming to rectify an injustice that families who protected our country, unfortunately, suffered from. Read next:Affected by Camp Lejeune Water Contamination? Learn Your Options
What Is the Camp Lejeune Justice Act?
The topic of contaminated water affecting service members and their families, mostly Marines, has dominated military news as of late. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is aiming to help households sue the government. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 is a new bill that aims to protect Camp Lejeune victims from predatory law firms and seek justice against the U.S. government. A difficult feat no matter what only further complicated by the fact that the military is involved. “If this would’ve been a corporation that did this, their a**es would’ve been in court decades ago,” said Jerry Ensminger, a Marine Veteran stationed at Camp Lejeune over 40 years ago. Sadly, in 1982, his daughter had leukemia at six years old and succumbed to her illness only three years later. “Nothing compares to watching one of your kids suffer and go through hell, and I blame the Marine Corps and the Department of the Navy,” continued Ensminger. In addition to the Camp Lejeune new law, there are efforts that are in the works to suppress the ability of legal representatives who may use predatory fees on the victims. The Camp Lejeune Veterans and Families Protection Act is being proposed by Congressman Darrel Issa to cap the fees of attorneys at 25% for related cases.
Has the Camp Lejeune Justice Act Passed?
As of this writing, H.R.2192 — 117th Congress (2021-2022), better known as the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021, is still in the process of becoming law. On one hand, it’s a great idea to help our heroes, and on the other hand, it would be unwise not to think the government is doing all it can to protect itself. The main goal of the bill is to allow troops the ability to sue the government for wrongful actions, but there's more to it than meets the eye. Fortunately, some developments are providing hope for those affected.
A Much-Needed Update
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 update everyone is looking at is known as the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act or PACT Act. President Joe Biden signed the law into existence on August 10, 2022, which widened the actions for Veterans exposed to chemicals during service. While the Camp Lejeune Justice Act is but a part of this overarching umbrella, it’s an important part of the puzzle and could provide a pathway to compensation for Marines, their families, and others who may qualify. Regardless of the nitty gritty, whatever path you take for compensation, you’ll likely need to consult with an attorney. These matters involve the potential for billions of dollars in payouts as a part of a sweeping federal lawsuit. Use a professional for your legal journey.
Is the Camp Lejeune Justice Act Enough?
There are a couple of ways to look at this. For starters, even with such legislation going through, there is no guarantee that compensation will be received by victims, much less at the levels they are speculated to reach. Going even further, it may simply be a case of too little, too late for many. These events are thought to have changed the health and trajectory of families, including those who served, their children, and anyone else within those households. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act presents an opportunity for righting several potential wrongs, but whether or not it could ever fix what was lost is highly unlikely. Hopefully, these steps can at least move things in a better direction for those affected by these events. Suggested read:How To Apply for VA Disability & What You Need To Know
Image: Allen G. Breed/AP
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