

By Buddy Blouin

March 2024 is already giving the military community deadlines to watch. The topics of the US government shutdown and the raising of military pay and benefits continue to be on the hearts and minds of families because of possible disruptions that are already looming. Below, we’re breaking down how active duty, Veterans, and military employees may be affected.

Will Military & Veteran Pay be Affected by US Government Shutdown?

The US government shutdown and military retirement pay are on the minds of many Veterans, but rest assured, benefits, compensation, and pensions would continue to be paid out should lawmakers fail to come to an agreement. There are many different services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Most will also be provided should the government experience a shutdown. However, there would be some disruption to VA services which means that regional offices would close. In addition, career assistance and maintaining VA cemeteries would sadly come to a halt. Related read: 5 Ways to Build Wealth With Military Pension & VA Disability

Does the Military Get Paid During Government Shutdown?

Veterans have less to worry about in times like these. They receive benefits as normal for the most part. As for those serving in the military, things are much different. A government shutdown means military pay stops. The potential March 1, 2024, and March 8, 2024, funding deadlines have military families once again looking at a possible US government shutdown. By the end of the month, military paychecks would see disruptions.This means that if funding isn’t solidified by this time, military pay cessation could affect the 1.3 million warfighters in the American Armed Forces, who will still be expected to show up for work and do their jobs regardless. Government shutdown news is pouring in early in 2024 during a time when many military families continue to face economic uncertainty even as inflation has cooled from its previous pace.To make matters worse, even though food insecurity is a pressing issue throughout the military community, military pay during a government shutdown isn’t the only thing that might go away, as commissaries can also close.The first March deadline is putting the WIC program at risk, which can affect military families, an estimated 200,000+, who rely on the benefits to cover the rising costs of food for women and children.Additionally, the US government shutdown could disrupt the SNAP program in April 2024. Another potential blow to low-income families who qualify for food benefits.

In What Other Ways Will Military Members Be Impacted?

The government shutdown's military paycheck impact isn’t only hitting active duty members of the military either. Many civilian employees and contractors who work with the U.S. military will also stop receiving paychecks. Those in essential roles are also expected to still show up for work. Congress is facing divided control with narrow majorities as looming deadlines approach. Pay and benefits remain at risk; however, service may also be curtailed, medical procedures postponed, and training activities delayed.Overall, this can affect morale and promotions among military members. Furthermore, there are also risks to military recruitment to consider. This is during a time in which the military is struggling to recruit new members. There are some politicians attempting to pass a bill that would secure funding for those in the military along with civilians and contractors working with the American Armed Forces, but again, time is of the essence. This is causing many to question whether or not lawmakers will receive their paychecks if the military isn’t.

Suggested read: Traveling for Healthcare? Don’t Forget To Claim VA Travel Pay!

Do Politicians Get Paid During Government Shutdown?

Even if the government shuts down on March 1st, don’t expect disruption to our lawmaker’s paychecks. Politicians will still receive their livelihood because of the provisions in Article I, Section 6 of the U.S. Constitution. Essentially, the budget for lawmakers is already set whereas the budget for other things, including the military’s pay, is not. A cruel way of managing a situation that puts our nation’s heroes in a more uncomfortable situation while they are defending their country. POTUS also doesn’t have to worry about his salary. It will remain uninterrupted if the government decides it can’t play well together. But this only adds to the anxiety and pain felt by military families as life-altering decisions remain hanging in the balance. There is, however, precedent for the President of the United States to keep non-essential staff home in the event of a shutdown. It also moves the shutdown along so that the government can operate correctly again. As with most things these days, politics has a way of seeping into the issues Americans face. But it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Funding the government so military personnel receive a paycheck feels like a no-brainer. Even if there is a shutdown, a solution should be drafted. Issues involving the US government shutdown and military pay shouldn’t arise so long as the brave people in uniform are still willing to show up every day to ensure the security of the nation. Updated by Allison Kirschbaum Read next: Attention Veterans! Here’s Your 2023 Military Retiree Pay Raise




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