If you’re looking for info on how to get DD214 records after ETSing, here’s some stuff you should know to make the process easier on you. Retrieving military records can be a tricky and long process, so it’s important to know how to request them properly. Below, we have laid out all the information you need to know about how to get a DD214 record. We want to make sure you have all of the information you need to make this process as smooth as possible. Suggested read:Thrift Savings Plan: How a Military TSP Can Make or Break Retirement
How To Get DD214 Records When You Need Them
After reading our informational guide, you no longer have to scour the internet searching for “how to get my DD214!”
Methods To Get Your DD214
When the time comes, you may be asking yourself, “How can I access my military records?” Well, there are various methods you can choose from to get a copy of your DD214 record.
- The first option is free, but it can take up to several weeks or months to receive a copy of your record. To request your DD214 record online for free, you can fill out a request form here.
- The second option is to hire someone else to retrieve your DD214 record through a firm, which can cost up to $20, and they take similar steps as the free option, meaning this process can also take up to several weeks or months before you receive a copy of your record.
- The third option is to hire a true research company. This option costs up to $180, but you can receive your record possibly the same day or within a week.
Click here to learn more information on DD214 retrieval.
Who Can Request DD214 Records?
If you’re requesting a copy of your own DD214 record, all you have to do is sign and date the request form. Veterans and family members who are next-of-kin to the Veteran can also request DD214 records. The next-of-kin who is requesting the record must sign and date the form if the Veteran is unable to. Family members who are next-of-kin include:
- Surviving spouses who have not remarried
- Parents
- Children
- Siblings
How To Get a DD214 for a Deceased Relative
Need to know how to get DD214 records for a service member who has passed away? If you are requesting a copy of a DD214 for a relative who is no longer with us, the next-of-kin to the Veteran has to fill out the request form. To request the DD214 in this instance, you must provide proof of the Veteran’s passing, such as a certificate of death, a letter from a funeral home, or a published obituary. To get their DD214 record, you also have some other options. You can write a letter to the NPRC explaining your reasons for requesting the form. You can also contact your state or county to see if they are able to access your Veteran’s military records.
How To Get Your DD214 Record From More than 62 Years Ago
If you’ve been out of the service for a longer time, you may still be wondering, “How do I get my DD214?” and if there are any differences for you since you ETS’d a while ago. There is some important information you should know before requesting DD214 records. If you are requesting a copy of your record that is from less than 62 years ago, as we’ve mentioned, the request form must be signed and dated by you, the Veteran, or the Veteran’s next-of-kin – simple as that! If the record you are trying to retrieve is from more than 62 years ago, however, the record is open to the public and can be retrieved by anyone. Keep in mind that there was a fire in 1973 that destroyed many military records, so you will need to provide more information if your records were destroyed.
Required Information To Get DD214 Records
- The Veteran’s complete name that was used while they were in service.
- Veteran’s service number.
- Veteran’s Social Security number.
- Their branch of service.
- Their dates of service.
- Veteran’s birth date and place of birth.
If your records were involved in the 1973 fire, you will also need to include the following:
- Their place of discharge.
- Last unit of assignment.
- Place of entry into the service, if known.
You are able to request your military records online or through mail to the NPRC. NPRC Mailing Address National Personnel Records Center Military Personnel Records 1 Archives Drive St. Louis, MO 63138 Knowing how to get DD214 records can also be a matter of including all information you have about yourself or your Veteran’s service. There is more information you can provide up front that can be helpful during the retrieval process of your DD214. Some helpful information to provide could be the purpose or reason for your request and any other information, documents, or records you need from your Official Military Personnel File. Learn more information about how to get a copy of DD214 forms right here. More like this:How To Apply for VA Disability & What You Need To Know
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