

By Syrena Felty

When you think of an American hero, what comes to mind? Do you picture the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” or maybe the heroes that risked their lives during 9/11? Perhaps the local police officer putting his life on the line. Meet a hero that risked everything for his country, Lou Conter, a Pearl Harbor survivor.Suggested read: Sailor “Lost Overboard” on USS Mason Destroyer Identified

Who Is Lou Conter?

Lou Conter experienced some of the most horrific scenes known to man. Lou Conter was the last known survivor of the USS Arizona attack on Pearl Harbor. At the time of the attack, Lou was only 20 years old. Being such a young man in times like this speaks courage in volumes. During the attacks the Japanese forces destroyed a ship carrying millions of pounds of gunpowder. Lou says, “The explosion was so intense it split the ship in two.” Just imagine the sounds, the shake, or the fear of being the next ship to go. He mentioned in an article in 2018, “Guys were just coming out of the fire and we were grabbing them and laying them down.”

Lou Conters’ Pearl Harbor Era

One combat mission is pretty impressive, but 200 combat missions? Lou completed 200 combat missions in the World War 2 era. After his remarkable combat mission record, Lou Conter was instructed to keep the Japanese Soldiers awake. He did this by dropping flares on them consistently.This perspective shows the brutality of the World Wars that many of us did not see. While following his commanding orders, Lou’s plane was struck down and sailed into the Pacific Ocean. At this moment how could you not be prepared for the worst. As the plane slowly sank with 10 crew members inside, the co-pilot instructed everybody on the sinking vessel, including Lou, to say their last prayers. Related read: Pearl Harbor Survivors: Heroes That Should Never Be Forgotten

Lou Conter Was a Well-Rounded Hero

As if literally sinking on a ship is not chaotic enough, Lou Conter was able to remain calm. With his calm and heroic mindset, he led all 10 crew members through the shark infested waters to safety. They escaped dozens of sharks while they were swimming to shore, but those 10 crew members had so much faith in Lou that they trusted him with their lives. Eventually they made it to shore under Lou’s guidance, enjoying a hot meal after a tragic event.Though Lou wasn’t done yet, He went on to take part in the Korean War. In the war, he became the Navy’s first SERE officer. He went on to instruct safety classes for pilots in emergency situations. After all of the trauma and adversity, he still had the love in his heart for what he did. He has the drive to not only protect his country, but also to protect his comrades. Lou Conter passed away at his home in Grass Valley California following congestive heart failure at the age of 102 on April 1st, 2024.

A Lasting Legacy and a President's Honor

President Biden stated,"He never forgot all the brave men he served with on board the Arizona. Until he was nearly 100 years old, he attended annual memorial services at Pearl Harbor." He went on to say, "The women and men who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces are patriots in the highest sense. Like Lou Conter, they risk their own safety for the safety of their fellow Americans. They bravely undertake dangerous missions to defend our nation's freedom and future. Furthermore, they believe deeply in their duty to their country and their fellow service members and will go to the ends of the earth to fulfill that duty. Our nation owes them all a debt of gratitude we can never repay." May we never forget his sacrifice and the sacrifice of all the brave Pearl Harbor heroes. Read next: The Army Has Finally Fielded Next Generation Squad Weapon




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