The 2024 election continues to shine a spotlight on notable figures both from previous administrations and the current. Matthew G. Whitaker, a noted, loyal supporter of Donald Trump, previously worked as the former Acting United States Attorney General. It’s unclear what Whitaker’s role would be or if he would have one at all should Trump reclaim the title of POTUS; however, voters continue to look at potential cabinet members as the November showdown approaches. Here is a closer look at Matthew G. Whitaker's military service and his current impact on service members and Veterans.
Matthew G. Whitaker’s Military Service Explained
Matthew G. Whitaker doesn’t have any military service. He is not a Veteran and has spent many decades involved in law, business, and various political roles. Although there was someone named Matthew Whitaker serving with the 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, this is a separate person not to be confused with the politician. As for the former member of Trump’s cabinet, his limited experience with the military has somewhat translated into his time in the White House. While you don’t need to be a Veteran to make an impact in the military community, many Americans still look to this feature when it comes to making decisions that affect service members and Vets.
A Lack of Military Impact
There are some cases in which the United States Attorney General may become involved with legal situations that affect the military; however, it’s not their normal line of duty. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that while there can be some connections at times, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) deals with issues for service members. Matthew Whitaker doesn’t have military service experience, but is a noted lawyer, and politician. He has lobbied for various conservative causes in Washington. Jeff Sessions resigned from the role of United States Attorney General after Donald Trump asked him to during his administration. Whitaker took over as Acting United States Attorney General and despite various legal experts challenging the legality of his position, he would maintain it after courts would uphold its legitimacy. During his tenure and in these roles, Whitaker didn’t have much impact on the military community as a whole.
What Is Matthew Whitaker Doing Now?
Eventually, Trump would install William Barr as the U.S. Attorney General, ending Whitaker’s time in the role. Today, you can find Whitaker as a co-chairman for the nonprofit the Center of Law & Justice at America First Policy Institute (AFPI), created to help bolster President Trump’s policies during his term in office. Furthermore, since leaving the White House, Whitaker has been a guest of various news outlets speaking on political events, has worked in the private sector, and of course, practices law. He is also a keynote speaker that you can hire for events and rallies, but overall, Matthew Whitaker’s lack of military service remains a bit of a non-issue for his influence in American politics. Suggested reads:
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