Missile defense systems are something you want to work but hope you never have to use. They are out of sight and out of mind for many Americans, yet we depend on our missile defense system to keep away attacks in an ever-advancing field. Warfare is always growing and changing, and the world of missile attacks is no different. Just as you learn how to prevent an attack, your enemy is working on a new way to overcome your defenses. America continues to push forward and is using a variety of tactics, radars, and defense systems to deter and prevent missile attacks against our country and our allies. Read next:4 Tips For Veterans When People Start To Ask About Your War Experience
The U.S. Missile Defense System Is Multifaceted
The evolution of the U.S. missile defense system is only natural. Long gone are the days of the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed the “Star Wars program,” an initiative from the Ronald Reagan missile defense system. Missiles and warfare continue to change and grow. This leads to the development of faster missiles that are harder to detect and more destructive. It’s no wonder that, over the years, the United States has continued to change with the times to innovate and prevent advanced missiles from striking our citizens and allies. From military bases stationed in Alaska to ships and beyond, America has plenty of ways to keep unwanted missiles at bay. Take a look at some of the best missile defense systems keeping destruction away from America the Beautiful.
C-RAM Missile Defense System
When it comes to the C-RAM Missile Defense System, more is more. Capable of furiously and accurately firing off 4,500 rounds, C-RAM is a short-range defense against missiles, artillery, and rockets. A similar system is part of the Iron Dome in Israel.
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Systems
Military bases around the world are stationed in strategic locations to help the American Armed Forces protect the country from anywhere. Alaska, in particular, is home to many military bases, but two that specialize in detecting and testing missiles, as well as preventing incoming missile attacks, are the Clear Space Force Station in Denali Borough, AK, and Fort Greely Army Base in Fairbanks, AK. There, you can find Ground-Based Midcourse Defense systems used to intercept missiles attacking from space or ones that are already midair. Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) missiles are used in the GMD systems to prevent attacks.
The Aegis Combat System
One of the most advanced pieces of technology to come from weapons experts at Lockheed Martin, the Aegis Combat System can defend against missiles in the air and even underwater when on a warship. The defense system can be deployed on land and sea and is capable of defending against ballistic missiles. The United States and many other countries use this system to help deter and prevent the use of nuclear missiles as well as other ballistics in warfare.
The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, or THAAD, has been deployed by the United States and many other nations in an attempt to prevent missile attacks from potential threats. A common deployment is Hawaii, where THAAD is positioned to assist in preventing a potential attack from North Korea. Working in conjunction with the Aegis Combat System, this Lockheed Martin system can prove successful in helping to defend against multiple missiles at once. Rather than exploding, THAAD systems use kinetic energy to hit incoming missiles and destroy them without detonation, an important aspect when intercepting nuclear warheads.
MIM-104 Patriot
The Patriot is part of a surface-to-air anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system designed to protect America and its allies while fighting against incoming missiles from our enemies. The “PATRIOT” name stands for Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept On Target due to its use of advanced radar technology used to prevent incoming aerial attacks.
Other Nations and Additional Uses
The U.S. is far from the only nation with a missile defense system, but it is one of the strongest on the planet. Our nation uses its missile defense system to help provide protection to many other nations, including South Korea, Japan, and the Bahamas. America also invests billions of dollars in helping our allies with their missile defense systems, such as the Iron Dome – a famous, elite defense system designed to protect Israel. Missile defense systems have a much-needed future as technology advances forward. This isn’t only limited to warfare but also includes protection as a whole. As more and more enterprises and governments are finding a use for satellites and other forms of space travel, debris could become a serious problem. Using missiles to shoot down defunct satellites has been done in the past, and our systems could help deter harmful debris in the future. Operation Burnt Frost is a prime example of how we use missiles to destroy space debris, though, not everyone in the international community agrees with the technique.
The Future of Missile Defense Systems
Many different defense systems have been created and are still in service around the world. Russian military strength still relies on their S300 air defense missile system, there is the somewhat modern MANTIS Air Defence System used by the Germans, and even billionaire yacht owners such as Roman Abramovich can enjoy the Eclipse missile defense system for protection. But if America is going to keep its defenses viable, it is going to have to continue innovating and testing new technologies. Hypersonic missiles can go even faster and are harder to stop. We are now seeing new techniques for sneaking in decoy missiles to lure detection by fooling the missile defense system and allowing for the dummy warhead to be taken out while a missile with the payload strikes its target successfully. Investment is needed, and the smartest American minds will need to continue to collaborate to find solutions for the next generation of missiles in warfare. Suggested read:Holocaust Graphic Novel Maus, Other Media Bring Horrors of War to Life
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