

By Allison Kirschbaum

Aside from being a brave service member, mother, wife, daughter, and friend, these women Veterans can also rock the stage of pageantry. They will compete, showcasing their poise, elegance, talent, and wit to win the Ms. Veteran America crown. This may just be another beauty contest for other people, similar to the Miss Universe or Miss World contest. However, the difference is that it has a deeper meaning beyond the glamorous event itself. All efforts of the contestants are for a cause since the organization supports Final Salute, Inc. as their direct beneficiary.Since its founding in 2012, the Ms. Veteran America pageant has become well-known to other Vets. Founded by an Army Veteran herself, Jaspen Boothe, the competition continues to thrive. It also creates a sense of sisterhood among female Vets.

Ms. Veteran America Pageant Eligibility and Rules

Like any other beauty pageant, Ms. Veteran America also follows rules and eligibility, one of which is that the contestant must be a woman, either an active duty personnel or a Veteran. If they are under the category of being a Vet, they need to present proof of their state-issued photo I.D. and an honorable discharge via DD 214. But if the contestant is still serving, they need to show evidence of 180 days of service. They also need a letter signed by their commander unit to prove that they are in good standing, and their non-expired military I.D.They must be in good health and of high moral character. The prospected Ms. Veteran America must also be active in the community. This incudes being involved in charitable initiatives or volunteering efforts. Lastly, the prospected candidate must agree that if they will be picked to participate in the pageant, they must abide by the code of conduct. One good thing that everyone will love is that the pageant doesn't have age restrictions, weight requirements, or height. It is all about showcasing the woman behind the uniform.

The Selection Process of Ms. Veteran America

Before a prospected contestant can be crowned, they must undergo an application process. This usually starts at the beginning of each year. Before the main event, regional competitions will be held on both coasts. It's like a pre-screening before the main event. For those who are still in service, they can get written authorization from their commanding officer. However, for the Reserve or Guard, it's a much tougher situation since they need to work around other required training or drill weekends to compete.Once selected to compete for the crown, the prospected Ms. Veteran America will be ranked and scored in the four areas of the pageant: talent, interview, advocacy, and military history. Personality and confidence are also part of the scoring criteria. Aside from the tallied scores from the judges, the contestants will also need to show leadership, participation, and interaction during the whole competition to show that they are a perfect fit as ambassadors.

The Pageants Beneficiary: Final Salute, Inc.

For years, the pageant's beneficiary has been Final Salute, Inc., which supports homeless women Vets and their children. According to the federal government, there are around 55,000 homeless women Veterans in the U.S. This is where the organization's mission comes in. With the help of the Ms. Veteran America contest, all of its proceeds will be donated to the FSI. This is a nonprofit organization that provides suitable and safe housing. Since 2010, they have been able to provide more than 17,000 housing days. They were also able to raise over $3 million to provide support to 8,000 women Veterans and their children in 30 states and territories. The organization even received recognition for its efforts to convert homelessness among women Veterans. They were also featured in the famous TV series NCIS: "One Step Forward" and the award-winning documentary "Served Like a Girl."

What Awaits the Winner?

Upon winning the Ms. Veteran America pageant, the newly crowned winner is expected to do 100 hours of community service. This includes raising awareness of the efforts and mission of the Final Salute Inc. in ending Veteran homelessness. Aside from the responsibility, the winner will also take home a prize package. This includes the crown and sash, $15,000 for car purchase, education, or it can also be used to start a business, home, or home repair. The winner will also be featured in national advertising campaigns. And, they will have an all-expense paid-for two for the following year’s competition. So don't forget to watch this event on October 13, 2023, at Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside to know who will be the next face of Ms. Veteran America.Suggested reads:




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