In many ways, the fact that there are so many myths about being a military spouse is understandable. Not only is every experience unique but you really won’t get it unless you live it. Still, in a world where many believe milspouses are living a life of traveling, sitting at home enjoying downtime, and other misconceptions. No longer. We’re dispelling the top milspouse myths people outside of the military community get wrong.
Five Milspouse Myths People Get Wrong
From the outlandish to the misunderstood, there are plenty of myths about military spouses that persist today. Here are five of the top things people outside of the community get wrong about being married to a member of the American Armed Forces:
1. Military Spouses Have It Made
Being a military wife is a life of ease if you don’t count the frequent moves, the stress of raising a home without your partner home all the time, stress over the potential harm to your partner, and all of the other typical stress points of maintaining a household.
Did we mention stress?
There are deployments that can last for over a year to contend with, which means parenting alone and running your home without an extra set of hands.
Separation is also an obvious strain on relationships and intimacy that shows itself in multiple ways—anxiety, depression, and problems sleeping are all known effects.
There’s a lot of pride in being a milspouse and things to love about the journey, however, to think it’s an easy one all of the time is simply not true.
2. Milspouses Don’t Work
One thing that can be a challenge while being a military spouse is holding down long-term employment at the same company for years.
You move a lot when PCSing; however, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible nor does it mean that milspouses aren’t working—quite the contrary.
Even as some choose to stay at home for different career paths, such as caretaking for loved ones or being a homemaker, a notable portion of the community is employed.
Furthermore, there are plenty of resources that can help spouses gain certificates, licenses, certifications, and outright employment to assist with career opportunities amid unique obstacles milspouses might face.
64% of milspouses are in the workforce, making this yet another military spouse myth that has no bearing.
3. Life Is a Long Vacation
While your partner may travel, there’s no guarantee you will and if you do, expect it to be more in line with figuring out the logistics of a tight airport schedule than a private flight to your dream destination.
Don’t get us wrong, there are times when you’ll be able to see and live in some of the best places in the world—who wouldn’t want to be stationed in Hawaii?
However, this is also offset by being in the middle of nowhere for an obscure assignment, living in remote military communities, and missing out on vacations altogether for some years because of the logistics of travel.
Military spouse myths also don’t account for the housing and accommodations you might face depending on where you live or visit—not all bases or towns are equal.
Even with some unique military-centric vacation benefits available, they are often stressful and can come with complications to make a reality.
4. Military Spouses Have a Strong Support System
The military community as a whole is a strong one that understands the importance of being there for one another but that doesn’t mean a strong support system is always available.
Realistically, with all of the moving everyone experiences, things can get lonely at times because the people you lean on may not always be there in the same capacity.
It’s also difficult at times to make meaningful friendships outside of the military community, complicating feelings of loneliness even more.
Myths for military spouses like these are why it’s so important to continue to advocate and support their community whether you’re a part of it or not.
5. Milpouses Aren’t Educated
No one understands the value of education quite like the military community and in milspouses, this is evident.
Around 40% of military spouses have a college degree, compared to the 30% of working-age civilians who are not milspouses with degrees.
This milspouse myth is busted as the community continues to emphasize the importance of learning not only with their words but by acting on it and earning degrees in higher education.
Military Spouse Myths Are Just That, Myths
When you look at the bigger picture, it’s clear that like many groups, the military community is a diverse one.
Everyone has their own unique experiences and obstacles but many of the myths surrounding milspouses are unwanted, often based on preconceived notions that harm the community.
Just because something may be true for someone or a spouse might have it easier than another, doesn’t mean it’s true for everyone.
Military spouse myths deserve to be called out because their role as the backbone of warfighters is an important one for us all.
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