

By Buddy Blouin

Our nation has a crisis at the border. No, not the one the typical news cycle continues to use to pit us against each other, but rather, the response to immigration by the Texas National Guard. There have been several issues involving Operation Lone Star and some of the recent developments are a bit concerning. The Texas Army National Guard has now allegedly had involvement in both a state-run spy ring and the shooting of a Mexican citizen in their native country. Related read: Mexican Border to See Troop Increase as Title 42 Expires

Who is Commander in Chief of the Texas National Guard?

The Commander in Chief of the Texas National Guard is currently Governor Greg Abbott. This applies when the National Guard in Texas is not being deployed for the use of the United States. During this capacity, the President would take on the role as he would with any other branch of the military.

Does the Texas National Guard Get Deployed?

The Lone Star State is their primary source of responsibility. As a result, deploying overseas is still occurring. A more local application of deployment would actually apply to the current situation at the Mexican border involving Operation Lone Star. With its National Guard, Texas has already participated around the world spanning the continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia. From keeping the peace to providing needed humanitarian aid, Guardsmen are there to answer the call. During the course of its mission, there have been more than 394,000 arrests so far, and more than 31,000 of them involved criminal charges. Part of the deployment for the Army National Guard Texas is to prevent drug trafficking along with human smugglers. But immigration is complex. The southern border still struggles to provide a viable solution for those seeking refuge in the United States for a host of complex reasons. However, there are certain ways our military should operate. Lately, there have been some issues with the process overall. It is possible that the Texas National Guard broke privacy laws. Additionally, there is now an ongoing investigation into a Rio Grande shooting involving a Mexican citizen. Suggested read: National Guard Birthday: Celebrating Those Always Ready, Always There

Mounting Issues Surrounding Operation Lone Star Continue

Officers disclosed to Homeland Security that they had secretly gained access to a WhatsApp group chat that was invite-only. The group chat contained a mix of human traffickers and immigrants. When whistleblowers discovered this fact, it was reported and leaders in the Texas National Guard disbanded the intelligence wing that was working within Operation Lone Star. The Lone Star State's National Guard was ultimately busted for participating in a prohibited state-run spy program. Discipline has already begun for various Officers and this is just the beginning. Explanations from those involved uncovered revealing information that higher military officials were also in on the deal. The National Guard Bureau regulations forbid such intelligence operations, including the use of DoD intel systems or techniques by Guardsmen. This was clearly much more than that just supporting local law agencies. It seems that in their efforts to enforce the law, lines have been crossed. There were suspicions at the start when things didn’t add up. This led to the uncovering of a computer that was allegedly monitoring the WhatsApp operations of a Guardsman. With the limiting of computer access, and the fact that the Guardsman had access to the app on his phone, came a newfound curiosity by others. Intel gathering, along with WhatsApp chats in Creole, English, and Spanish were found. Despite being told to cease operations, things didn’t immediately end as there were disagreements among leadership in the National Guard and the Air Force. Now, there are ongoing investigations involving multiple agencies. Currently, the Texas Military Department is punishing people for their roles. Despite this, it’s clear no one is taking action when it comes to leadership involving Operation Lone Star. Furthermore, the aftermath is negatively impacting the morale of those involved.

National Guardsman Wounds a Mexican National

Another issue has surfaced in light of the compromising spy mission — a shooting. Allegedly, the Texas National Guard shooting involved a Mexican man from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. On August 26, 2023, the discharging of a weapon occurred. Whether Darwin José García was looking to cross the river or was simply playing a sport as some allege, the truth remains a mystery. What isn’t a mystery is that the shooting was damaging to Garcia's leg. To date, it’s the second time that a member of the Texas National Guard has shot a civilian during Operation Lone Star.

How Big is the Texas National Guard?

The Lone Star State has approximately 19,000 to 21,000 National Guard members in its ranks. This puts it at either the largest or second-largest in the nation, with California being its only rival. What's clear beyond a doubt is that there's work to be done. Operation Lone Star has been marred throughout its history and the latest reports are only adding to the tarnished image. This is a shame, because the average member of the Texas National Guard deserves better for their sacrifice. Read next: Another Soldier From Operation Lone Star at the Border Passes Away




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