This past December, a woman was arrested and charged with second-degree arson and interfering with government property. This was after officials put a stop to her act of attempting to burn down the birth home of Martin Luther King Jr. The woman in question is Laneisha Shantrice Henderson, a 26 year old Navy Veteran. As Martin Luther King Jr.’s accomplishments have paved the way for the racial integration that America sees today, his childhood home is designated as a historical landmark. Suggested read:Chance Brannon: Marine Vet Pleads Guilty Planned Parenthood Attack
Why Is The Birth Home of Martin Luther King Jr. Important?
Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and social activist who led the civil rights movement from the mid 1950s up until his death. For those wondering when did Martin Luther King Jr. die, his assassination was in Memphis, Tennessee in 1968. During his leadership period of a little over a decade, King led the Montgomery bus boycott, delivered the “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington, helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and more. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth and childhood took place in Atlanta, Georgia where he grew up with his older sister Willie Christine King and younger brother Alfred Daniel Williams King. Both of King’s siblings played roles in supporting their brother and advancing the civil rights movement. Hence, the birth home of Martin Luther King Jr. is an important historical sighting that helped to shape the life of King and his siblings. They were leaders of the fight for equality through nonviolent protest.
What We Know About the Arson Attempt
On Thursday, December 7th, several tourists were trying to stop Laneisha Henderson as she was dousing Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home in gasoline. The tourists, from Utah, told authorities they were in town on a work trip.The tourists pleaded and physically blocked Henderson from carrying out her attempt to set fire to the home. As the brave bystanders detained Henderson while waiting on police, they said that she attempted to spark a lighter. When Atlanta police arrived, Henderson was put under arrest and took her to Grady Detention Center for psychological evaluation. Soon, they will transport her to Fulton County Jail upon discharge. Upon speaking to Henderson’s father, he said that she is a US Navy Veteran. He said that she is also suffering from mental health episodes. Henderson received multiple awards during her service as a Surface Warfare Specialist. This includes the Navy “E” Ribbon, a national defense service medal, and a good conduct medal. Related read: Jack Taylor Enterprise Empire Grew From His Service as a Veteran
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Is Monday
This month, on January 15th, the United States will be celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day for the 40th year. This is a day to honor one of the most monumental civil rights leaders in American history. This day is on the third Monday of each January. Therefore, it is good that Henderson didn't get a chance to ruin a historic landmark, Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home, right before this holiday. If you or any Veteran that you know is suffering from mental health issues, be sure to take advantage of VA mental health services. Read next: Transitioning From the Military? Check Out the Vet Center
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