Even if you don’t read the news, go on social media, or involve yourself in modern worries 24/7, there are a lot of things going on to be concerned about in the world around us. So, are you prepared? If you’re a part of the Vivos xPoint community, the answer is yes! However, what may seem like a paranoid doomsday cult on the outside looking in is far from the perception you might think. Sure, Vivos xPoint is giving Fallout vibes but it’s a community with a lot to offer and a lot of reason at its core.

What Is Vivos xPoint?
If you head to the Black Hills of South Dakota, you’ll find 575 Vivos xPoint bunkers occupying about 18 square miles of land.
Today, doomsday preppers and those who enjoy at least some isolation from society call it home, but it was once a military facility safeguarding weapons during World War II.
Known as the Black Hills Ordnance Depot, chemical weapons were held at the facility, as were POWs, and it was used for multiple wars, including the Cold War, before closing in 1967.
What makes this location so unique is the military decided that the risk of a natural disaster was low and it’s not near high-value military targets, making it a perfect place to protect weapons or people.
This is why so many residents love their Vivos xPoint shelter. It’s a great way to stay prepared against a serious attack or meltdown of society all while living in a location strategically picked for safety.
How Much Does it Cost to Live There?
The cost of Vivos xPoint is $55,000 for a private bunker; however, there are other communities/accommodations that range in price. This could mean as low as $35,000, as high as $195,000+, etc.
For the cost, it may not seem like you get much. An empty, concrete room with thick doors that can withstand powerful blasts.
However, Vivos assists in transforming the bunker into a personalized home with bedrooms, kitchens, and living areas.
Additionally, the Vivos xPoint community includes shared amenities like a pool, restaurant, and gym to enhance the quality of life while building a neighborhood of sorts.
You'll enjoy off-the-grid living, powered by solar panels and generators, allowing for comfortable, independent living.

How to Become Eligible for Vivos xPoint
Vivos xPoint shelter membership is free, but you need to apply. On your application, candidates are asked to share their information, skills, and reasons for seeking shelter.
Applications are reviewed as a team looks to add those who can help contribute valuable skills for the community’s long-term survival. This includes things such as plumbing, medical knowledge, etc., as the community remains a self-sustaining one.
If you are selected for the next phase, you’ll receive a phone call and/or email to help them better vet you as a potential community member.
Finally, if you can pass the vetting process, you’ll be approved and will be invited to purchase one of the Vivos xPoint bunkers as a member.
It’s a simpler, peaceful approach to living that draws many residents, who may be mistaken as paranoid but are mostly regular people prepared in case the worst occurs.
Community leadership emphasizes preparedness over paranoia, distinguishing between sensible preparation and fearing disaster.
Rather than expecting a global catastrophe, a safe, connected community is one of the main appeals for living in an xPoint bunker. A sentiment agreed upon by full-time residents who hold similar views.
If you’re looking to apply, fill out a membership application online by clicking the link and if you’re a match, become part of the Vivos xPoint community.
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