

By Allison Kirschbaum

It is important to always have your health in check before everything gets worse; that goes with having a proper eye checkup. Having your eye tested can be hefty, as the cost is around $200 or more, depending on the services that you will avail. But, for the Veterans, it's a different situation as the VA is always there to help. A lot of Vets have the same question: "Can I get glasses through the VA?" The answer would depend on whether you qualify for a VA health care benefit. If you do, you may get some, or even your whole vision care through their program.

10 Signs That You Need Glasses

Many people are still wondering if there are some benefits to wearing glasses; however, if you are frequently experiencing vision problems, then it's a sign to get a pair, as it may affect your life, like reading, driving, or even doing simple household chores. Glasses are created to assist in correcting various vision problems such as astigmatism, farsightedness, or nearsightedness to help the user achieve a 20/20 vision. Having one of the above vision issues can cost a fortune, but getting glasses through the VA might help ease the financial strain.If you are deciding to get glasses, make sure that you know what type you need, as there are various lenses and glasses that will match an appropriate eye condition. Having the right one can make a difference in your overall eye health. If you are wondering whether you need glasses or not, you should check out these signs. If you are experiencing any of these, it would be best to have your eye checked.

  1. You are experiencing double vision.
  2. You are squinting often.
  3. Experiencing a distorted vision.
  4. Headaches often occur.
  5. There is an eye strain.
  6. You experience difficulty driving at night.
  7. Having a problem with blurry visions.
  8. In a bright setting, you frequently see auras or halos around objects.
  9. Objects seem fuzzy, and sometimes you can't determine defined lines.
  10. There is an unusual change in your vision.

It must be best to seek optometric care to get your vision corrected. You also have an option of getting glasses through the VA if the price at the clinic is skyrocketing.

Can I Get Glasses Through the VA?

If you are considering getting glasses but have second thoughts, don't worry, as you can get glasses through the VA. However, you need to meet certain criteria in order to be eligible. At least one of these should be true:

  • You are a former prisoner of war.
  • Are a Purple Heart recipient.
  • Have a compensable service-connected disability.
  • You have received benefits under the Title 38 United States Code.
  • Lastly, you have received a raise on a pension based on your situation as being permanently housebound that needs attendance and regular aid.

Aside from this, you must have a vision problem caused by an illness for which you are getting VA care to get glasses; you must have multiple sclerosis, be suffering from stroke, have diabetes, vascular disease, and geriatric chronic illnesses. The vision problems caused by an injury that you are receiving VA care for are as follows: surgeries of the eye, ear, or brain, cataract surgery, a reaction to specified medicines, and polytrauma or traumatic brain injury.If you fall under these categories, then getting glasses through the VA should be easy. If you want to know the status of your order, you need to contact the clinic or the VA medical center where the order was placed.

Vision Care That the VA Offers

Aside from getting glasses through the VA, they also provide various vision care services, from primary to advanced clinical vision care. It also includes vision-enhancing devices, training on innovative vision technology, clinical examinations, and inpatient rehabilitation focusing on skill enhancement for orientation, mobility, communication, and manual skills. Aside from this, anyone who is getting VA healthcare benefits is entitled to routine eye exams. Veterans who want to make an appointment for an eye examination can contact their primary care provider or their local VA medical center or clinic. Other good news is that the VA has a great facility to provide advanced vision care services to Veterans with low vision and blindness.

What Kind of Advanced Vision Care Services Can I Get Through the VA?

The VA offers a number of different services related to blind or low vision rehabilitation services. These include:

  • Vision-enhancing technology, such as electronic reading machines, and training on how to go about using them.
  • Sensory training to help you better use your other senses, such as hearing and smell.
  • Training in the latest visual skills to help with ordinary, every-day tasks such as reading, writing, cooking, cleaning, reading medication bottles, etc.
  • Provides services related to mobility and orientation training. This helps Vets learn how to navigate the new world around them.
  • Family-centered care is provided to help you and your family adjust to your vision changes.
  • Lastly, counseling and group therapy sessions are offered to help you adjust to being blind or vision-impaired.

How to Access Vision Services Through the VA

The VA provides Veterans with a number of vision services to help them adjust to their new reality. To learn more about the services offered, and to get information on how to access them, contact the Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST) coordinator at your closest VA center. If you can't find a center in your area, you can contact the Blind Rehabilitation Service Program office at (202) 416-7317 or by mail at Department of Veteran Affairs Veterans Health Administration Blind Rehabilitation Service (117B), 810 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, DC 20420. Related reads:




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