

By kbarber

Gold Star Spouse Day is a day used to honor spouses of military members who lost their lives in service to the country. It is celebrated every year on April 5th.

Gold Star Spouse Day: What Is a Gold Star Spouse?

You may or may not have heard of Gold Star Spouse Day before. If not, we’re here to share with you the Gold Star Spouse meaning and history.A Gold Star Spouse is the spouse of a military member who died in the line of duty. You are considered a Gold Star Wife or a Gold Star Husband if your partner was a military member who died during service. When a loved one who was in the military passes away, a military officer presents their next-of-kin – often a spouse, parent, or child – with a Gold Star pin during that military member’s funeral rites. Military spouses undertake a lot of the burden of family life while their spouse is away serving the country. Their contributions to national success often go unseen, which is why we have events like Gold Star Spouse Day and Military Spouse Appreciation Day to honor the sacrifices of those milspouses who support the military without being a military member. Learn more about Military Spouse Appreciation Day:Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! A Special Thanks to Milspouses

The History of the Gold Star

The Gold Star lapel was first created and handed out in 1973, but its roots stretch further back than that. When World War I was in full swing, many families would display banners outside of their homes featuring a blue star for every immediate family member who was serving during the War.If a family member died in service, one of these blue stars would be replaced with a Gold Star to let their neighbors, as well as the community at large, know they had lost someone in battle.After the War was over, many Gold Star Mothers got together to support one another through their grief and loss. Eventually, they created Gold Star Mother’s Day, which is held on the last Sunday in September. This group and their dedicated Gold Star Day would eventually pave the way for Gold Star Spouse Day, which became officially recognized in 2010.

Ways To Honor Spouses on Gold Star Spouse Day

Gold Star Spouse Day, which some call Gold Star Wife Day since 92% of military spouses are female, can be a troubling time for Gold Star Spouses, as it often serves as yet another reminder of the loss of their loved one. If you want to honor and uplift a Gold Star Spouse in your life, follow their lead. Don’t bring up tough conversations that they may not be ready or prepared for. Instead, spend time with them doing things they like. Treat them to a spa day, buy them drinks at a local bar, or take them out to a nice dinner. You can even just spend some time with them at home and watch movies for a relaxing, rewarding, and cost-free self-care day. Make sure the Gold Star Spouses in your life feel like your relationship represents a safe space to relax, have fun, and talk about their feelings regarding their lost loved one – if they’re ready to do so.If you’re close to a new Gold Star Spouse, reach out and make sure they have access to resources as well as the benefits that they have a right to as a surviving spouse. One great resource to share on Gold Star Spouse Day is Military OneSource’s “A Survivor's Guide to Benefits: Taking Care of Our Families,” which you can access hereRelated read: Memorial Day 2022: Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?




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