Many service members put a lot on hold to ensure they are fulfilling their duty. Most of the time even their personal plans are being put on a halt due to the call of service. Many of our troops are no beginners regarding the sacrifices that come with their daily lives. As for civilians, a question always arises: "What can I do to support the troops?" Many loved ones have been stationed overseas for a long time, and some are balancing roles to ensure that the people and the country are safe. While this kind of job is not for all, civilians can make a difference to support the US troops, either active or retired. Here are some great ideas for showing appreciation since Military Month has officially started today.
3 Ways on How to Support the Troops
1. Support Military Spouses/Families
Deployment is complicated for service members and their spouses, especially when they are outside the country. Aside from the loneliness of loved ones, military spouses also carry the burden of household responsibilities alone. This is even more difficult for military families with children as the spouse must suddenly become a solo parent for the time being. One of the best ways to support the troops during their deployment is to assist military families and spouses back home. Reach out to them and offer to cook dinner, invite them over, pick up groceries, carpool the kids to school, or check in with the family and their well-being. You can also create donation drives in your community or do any small act of kindness to comfort them. This act shows support for the troops and ensures that the family left behind is not alone.
2. Show Your Appreciation by Words or Volunteer With Them
One of the easiest ways to show your support to the US troops is to thank them for their service. According to a Blue Star Families survey in 2021, 81% of service members feel that their local community doesn't understand the sacrifices they have to endure. This hurtful reality sometimes leads to troops feeling isolated, thus impacting their overall operational readiness and morale. To avoid this, you can quickly thank them or acknowledge the challenges their families are facing, especially their wives or kids. Support the troops by removing that division between military personnel and civilians so that their work for the country is appreciated and valued.Also, if you want to support the US troops, you can show it by volunteering; there are many organizations to choose from. If you want to see your impact firsthand, volunteering with the USO is best. Many of their locations need volunteers who can facilitate their programs and events. It can be challenging work, but it is also rewarding to see that military communities will have the necessary resources for their missions.
3. Send In Donations for Them to Use
One way on how to support the troops is to send care packages. A tangible gift also makes the service members feel that their friends, family, and the public care for them, even if they are overseas. However, sending packages to the troops may sometimes be complicated.One method that you can use to send the package to deployed Soldiers is to make a monetary donation via USO. This will support the organization’s operations, including sending USO Care Packages. Another method to support the troops is through the USO Wishbook. More than 200,000 packages have been delivered to troops worldwide since 2021, according to the USO.
Military Appreciation Month Activities
Supporting the troops with this month-long celebration begins on May 1 and will continue throughout the month. Here are some of the activities you need to look out for.
- Loyalty Day: It is observed on the 1st of the month and focuses on loyalty to the United States, recognizing heritage and freedom.
- VE Day: This is also known as “Victory in Europe Day,” celebrated on May 8.
- Military Spouse Appreciation Day: This day recognizes spouses’ sacrifices and will be observed on May 10.
- Armed Forces Day: In 2024, it will be celebrated on May 18 for active members and Veterans.
- Memorial Day: This day honors the people who have sacrificed their lives for the country, and it is celebrated on May 27.
FAQs on How to Support the Troops This Military Month
1. How Long Will a US Troop Be Deployed Overseas?
A deployment usually means that a troop will be away for a time. The time varies depending on the operation, but it is usually twelve months on a base, seven months on a Navy ship, or three months on a town.
2. Do the Troops Come Home Immediately After the Deployment?
Going home is one of the best parts for a troop; it means they will be reunited with their families after a long deployment. But in order for a troop to go home immediately, they need to finish their deployment duties. Some factors, such as military regulations, operational requirements, and individual circumstances, may affect their chances of going home.Related reads:
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