The U.S. Army War College helps build leaders for our nation’s military. Unfortunately, a childcare center at the Carlisle Barracks, home to the Army War College, is under scrutiny for its handling of inappropriate sexual behavior among children. The ongoing investigation from the Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division (Army CID) is looking to get to the bottom of the childcare center’s potential blunder. This is after the mother of a child raised concerns about an incident in 2023. Suggested read: Vet Daniel Penny Won’t Have Manslaughter Charges In NYC Dismissed
U.S. Army War College Childcare Center May Not Have Followed Protocol
Attending the Army War College, or serving at the Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania, should be a positive experience. But a family of an active duty Soldier is reporting inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature involving their child. It goes without saying that no child should face such abuse anywhere or at any time. Yet, the allegations are a bit more complicated. What is pushing some of the outrage, however, is that the adults in this case seem to have inadequately helped the impacted child. To make matters even more complicated, Army officials insist that they followed both the branch’s protocol accordingly as well as state law. The mother of the impacted child disagrees after noticing behavioral changes after enrollment. Related read: Ineligible White House Staff Received Free Care From Military Hospitals
Recognizing the Signs of Sexual Abuse In Children
After enrolling their child in the childcare center at the United States Army War College, rapid regression began to show itself. This means the mother of the impacted child observes angry behavior, unusual emotions, mental regression, and disruption of sleep. When it comes to impacted children and sexual abuse, there are both emotional and physical repercussions that can manifest themselves. Identifying child sexual abuse is critical for anyone to understand with the following being some of the warning signs to be aware of: Emotional: Anxiety, aggression, depression, problems sleeping, fear of being alone, rebellion, and/or a lack of interest in hobbies. Children may also regress into infant behavior or engage in age-inappropriate sexual behavior. Physical: Self-harm, signs of abuse (bleeding, bruising, scabbing) around private areas, pain when using the restroom, UTIs, headaches, and recurring stomach aches.
Parents Continue to Seek More Answers From Army War College Childcare Center Incident
Because of the sensitive nature of this incident, a lot that has not yet been made public. As a whole, officials at the Carlisle Barracks stand by their response. However, they are respecting the investigation by the Army CID. According to the family’s lawyer, Korvin Kraics, they are looking into more leads before the delivery of a Final Investigative Briefing. The impacted child’s mother believes the inappropriate contact between her child and another child started on December 5, 2023. At the time, no adult parties were aware this was ongoing. However, the next morning, possible misconduct was seen by a worker, who made a report to leadership. At this time, various notifications were brought to the attention of other officials. It is unclear whether or not Army War College Commandant Major General David C. Hill was notified. Those notified include: the Family Advocacy clinical case manager at the Carlisle Barracks, Child Protective Services, and the Army’s CID. The family was notified about footage showing inappropriate actions on December 7, 2023. “The (childcare center) knew our preschooler was actually penetrated three to four times in a 48-hour period and they allowed us to drop off our child the following morning (as) nothing happened, a full 24 hours later,” said the mother. However, according to Carlisle Barracks Spokesperson Kurt Keester, “The parents of the children involved were notified within 24 hours of CDC staff identifying the issue.” The rest of the parents with children at the center were notified on December 11, 2023. Outrage remains as does the ongoing investigation. It’s hard to find any sort of justice or comfort no matter the end result. However, all parties deserve more answers from the childcare center at the Army War College/Carlisle Barracks. Read next:Update: White House Renews Houthis’ Terrorist Designation
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