

Beauty/Barber Shops

Barber Shop

(505) 266-5181

Beauty Shop

(505) 266-6430

Emergency Relief Services

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) (on-base office)

(505) 846-0729


Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Human Resources Office (HRO)

(505) 846-1522


Main Exchange (AAFES)

(505) 846-2262

Finance / Legal

Citizenship and Immigration Services ( Military Personnel Section - Customer Service

(505) 846-8949

Finance Office

(505) 846-8045

Retirees' Activities Office

(505) 846-1536

Victim Advocate Services – Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

(505) 853-1957

Wells Fargo Bank

(505) 254-0135


377th Medical Group

(505) 846-3335

Health Benefits Advisory

(505) 846-3335

Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center

(505) 265-1711

Veterinary Services

(505) 846-4280


Dormitory Manager

(505) 853-5479

Kirtland Family Housing (Privatized Housing Office)

(505) 232-2049

Temporary Lodging/Billeting

(505) 846-9652


Base Library

(505) 846-1071

Major Units

342nd Training Squadron (AETC)

(505) 853-0792

377th Air Base Wing

(505) 846-4118

377th Civil Engineering Division (CE)

(505) 846-7911

377th Communications Division (SC)

(505) 853-7484

377th Comptroller Squadron (CPTS)

(505) 853-6616

377th Force Support Squadron

(505) 846-7428

377th Force Support Squadron

(505) 846-7428

377th Logistic Readiness Squadron (LRS)

(505) 853-7471

377th Maintenance Group (MXG)

(505) 846-0063

377th Medical Group (MEDGP)

(505) 846-3637

377th Mission Support Group (MSG)

(505) 846-7709

377th Security Forces Squadron (SFS)

(505) 846-6141

498th Nuclear Systems Division

(505) 846-0498

498th Nuclear Systems Wing

(505) 853-2928

512th Rescue Squadron (RQS)

(505) 846-0380

550th Special Operations Squadron (SOS)

(505) 853-9654

58th Maintenance Operation Squadron (MOS)

(505) 846-4581

58th Maintenance Squadron (MXS)

(505) 846-7347

58th Operations Support Squadron (OSS)

(505) 853-5081

58th Special Operations Wing (SOW), Det 1

(505) 853-5861

705th Combat Training Squadron (CTS)

(505) 846-1472

71st Special Operations Squadron (SOS)

(505) 853-3696

898th Munitions Squadron

(505) 853-2144

AF Operational Test and Evaluation Ctr. (HQ AFOTEC)

(505) 846-5232

AFNWC PKO Contracting Division

(505) 846-4543

Air Force Inspection Agency (HQ AFIA)

(505) 846-1583

Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC)

(505) 846-6567

Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)

(505) 846-0169

Air Force Safety Center (HQ AFSC)

(505) 846-6127

Defense Threat Reduction Agency Air Force

(505) 846-5492

Defense Threat Reduction Agency Army

(505) 846-8627

Defense Threat Reduction Agency Navy/Marines

(505) 846-9114

New Mexico Air National Guard Headquarters (HQ NMANG)

(505) 853-5668

Space Development & Test Wing (SDTW)

(505) 846-6616

Other Numbers

24-hour Checkin (Lodging Office)

(505) 846-9653

377th Dental Squadron

(505) 846-3027

377th Dental Squadron

(505) 846-3027

377th Medical Group

(505) 846-3397

Air Force Aid Society

(505) 846-0741

Air Force Aid Society (Airman and Family Readiness Center)

(505) 846-0741

Airman & Family Readiness Center

(505) 846-0741

American Red Cross

(505) 265-8514

Auto Hobby Shop

(505) 846-1104

Auto Skills Center (Auto Hobby Shop)

(505) 846-1104

Base Chapel

(505) 846-5691

Before and After School Program (Youth Center)

(505) 846-2042

Bowling Center

(505) 846-6851

Car Care Center

(505) 265-7301

Career Focus Program

(505) 846-0741

Central Appointments, 377th Medical Group

(505) 846-3200

Child Care, Family Day Care

(505) 846-1802

Child Development Center (Gibson)

(505) 846-1103

Child Development Center (Gibson)

(505) 846-1103

Child Development Center (Maxwell)

(505) 853-5521

Child Development Center (Maxwell)

(505) 846-5521

Child and Youth Registration and Referral

(505) 853-5437

Civilian Personnel Office

(505) 846-9556

Civilian Personnel Office (CPO)

(505) 846-9556


(505) 846-4902


(505) 846-4902

Dental Clinic

(505) 846-3027


(505) 280-0827

Domino's Pizza

(505) 289-2900

EFMP Family Support

(505) 853-1703

East Side Shoppette/Car Care Center

(505) 265-7301

Education & Training Center

(505) 846-9933

Education Center

(505) 846-9933

Employment Assistance

(505) 846-0741

Exceptional Family Member Program

(505) 846-0741


(505) 232-8771

Express (East)

(505) 265-9093

Express (West)

(505) 268-5012

Family Advocacy

(505) 846-0139

Family Center

(505) 846-0741

Family Child Care/Child Development Homes

(505) 846-1802

Fitness & Sports Center (East)

(505) 846-1102

Fitness & Sports Center (West)

(505) 846-1068

Fitness Center (East)

(505) 846-1102

Fitness Center (West)

(505) 846-1068

Golf Course

(505) 846-1169

Golf Course (Tijeras Arroyo)

(505) 846-1169

Health Benefits Advisor/TRICARE

(888) 887-4111

Housing Management Office

(505) 846-8217

Housing Management and Referral Office

(505) 846-8217

ID/CAC Card Processing ( Military Personnel Section)

(505) 846-5459

Information and Referral

(505) 846-0741

Information and Referral Program

(505) 846-0741

Kirtland AFB Chapel

(505) 846-5691

Kirtland Federal Credit Union

(800) 880-5238

Legal Office

(505) 846-4217

Legal Office

(505) 846-4217

Loan Closet

(505) 846-0741

Lodging Office (Kirtland Inn)

(505) 846-9653


(505) 255-5363

Military & Family Life Counselor

(505) 280-0664

Military Clothing Sales

(505) 846-6294

Military Clothing Store

(505) 846-6294

Military Personnel Flight Customer Support

(505) 846-5459

Military Personnel Section (MPS)

(505) 846-5459

Navy Federal Credit Union

(888) 842-6328

New Parent Support Program

(505) 846-6743

Outdoor Recreation

(505) 846-1499

Personal Financial Management

(505) 846-0741

Personal Financial Management

(505) 846-0741

Popeyes Chicken

(505) 265-5261

Relocation Assistance Center

(505) 846-0741

Relocation Counseling

(505) 846-0741

SNAIC - EFMP Enrollment

(505) 846-6663

School Liaison Office

(505) 846-6477

School Liaison Officer

(505) 846-6477


(505) 846-0741

Sexual Assault and Prevention Response

(505) 846-7272

Suicide Prevention Hotline

(800) 273-8255

Transition Assistance Program

(505) 846-0741

Transition Assistance Program

(505) 846-0741

Veterinary Services

(505) 846-4276

West Side Shoppette

(505) 268-5012

Youth Center

(505) 846-5437

Youth Center

(505) 846-2042

Restaurants/Fast Food

Mountain View Club (all ranks)

(505) 846-5165

Thunderbird Dining Facility

(505) 846-8048


Cielo Azul Elementary

(505) 338-2320

Cleveland High School

(505) 938-0300

Colinas del Norte Elementary School

(505) 896-3378

E. Stapleton Elementary School

(505) 891-8473

Eagle Ridge Middle School

(505) 892-6630

Enchanted Hills Elementary School

(505) 891-8526

Independence High School

(505) 338-4658

Lincoln Middle School

(505) 892-1100

Maggie Cordova Elementary School

(505) 994-0229

Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School

(505) 892-2575

Mountain View Middle School

(505) 867-0711

Puesta del Sol Elementary School

(505) 994-3305

Rio Rancho Cyber Academy

(505) 892-7222

Rio Rancho Elementary School

(505) 892-0220

Rio Rancho High School

(505) 896-5600

Rio Rancho Middle School

(505) 891-5335

Sandia Vista Elementary School

(505) 338-2526

Shining Stars Preschool

(505) 892-7735

Vista Grande Elementary School

(505) 771-2366

Travel Office

WingGate (Travel Office)

(505) 846-7171


Household Goods/Transportation Office

(505) 846-1974

Welcome/Visitors Center

Welcome/Visitors' Center

(540) 846-6118


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