Bird watching, or birding, is a fun hobby you can do in your car, at home, while hiking, or anywhere in between. For some, bird watching might be a casual activity, but for enthusiasts, it is a passion for them. While birding, you can list the various species you see and record where they appeared. This is also one of the ways that you can stay connected with nature; whatever your goal is, you'll be met with an excellent reward once you see one of these magnificent creatures. Being new to this hobby might be overwhelming, but luckily, there are bird watching books you can look into as a guide.
Get Started With Your New Hobby
The primary goal of bird watching is to observe and study the creatures you will see; it even involves identifying their various species, appreciating their characteristics, and understanding their behavior. To start your new hobby, you must step outside, as multiple birds can be spotted in your backyard. Don't play loud music; patiently wait for the right bird to come; you can also try to add a water fountain since they are attracted to shallow water where they can drink or have a bird bath.If you spend time outdoors, remember to dress appropriately. Staying in the field means wearing comfortable clothing. Opt for loose and breathable clothes, sturdy shoes, or waterproof boots if you step into a puddle. Some bird watching books will also suggest avoiding bright colors. Instead, wear dark or neutral tones such as brown or gray. Other books about bird watching will also advise you to go to the right spot at the perfect time. Most birds are awake at dawn, searching for food after having nested during the night. But it will still depend on the bird you are trying to spot. Songbirds are spotted two hours after sunrise, and hawks and eagles are usually seen at sunrise.
Helpful Books on Bird Watching
- Jennifer Ackerman'sThe Genius of Birds explores behavior and intelligence. This bird watching book discusses their cognitive abilities, problem-solving, social interactions, and complex communication.
- Chris Packham's Bird Watching Guide is a beginner-friendly guide that helps boost your confidence and help you become seasoned at birding. He even discusses the various characteristics of birds. As you gain experience, the book will help you develop your horizons from staying in your comfort zone to setting up an adventure at a wildlife spot or other nature hotspots, making this one of the best books about bird watching.
- Another great bird watching book is A Guide to Field Identification, written by Chandler S. Robbins. The book has detailed facts and well-thought-out illustrations of over 900 birds found in North America. Whether you will explore your backyard, the fields, or woods, this book is a must-have.
- Another great bird watching book is the one written by Jim Robbins titled The Wonder of Birds, it discusses the evolution of birds as they continuously interact with humans.
- Birding Without Borders is a great book written by Noah Strycker. It features various birds worldwide, nearly 5,000 bird species every year, as seen by the author. While reading, this can inspire you to be a bird watcher.
- The book Good Birders Don't Wear White is a compilation of tips from expert bird watchers. This is one of the best books about bird watching if you want to become an expert, as it discusses information that birders must do to enjoy their newfound hobby.
- Lastly, you can also have a bird watchers log book/journal to make your notes on the various species you encounter more organized. The journal/logbook also has some lists of goals that you can try to achieve. This is great for preserving every species that you encounter.
Why People Love Bird Watching
This hobby involves studying and observing the various species of birds in their natural habitat without interruption. It's not just watching them; you need to identify the different species you will spot. Novice birders need the help of bird watching books to become an expert in this field. This recreation allows enthusiasts to experience various bird species, including migratory birds, as observing this kind of phenomenon is remarkable, and you can take photos as souvenirs. Witnessing the multiple colors and characteristics of these creatures is breathtaking. No wonder why a lot of people are turning to birding. Overall, this is an enriching activity that allows you to connect with nature; just remember to consult your bird watching books to become an expert in this field.Related reads:
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