

By Buddy Blouin

You can argue that for Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr., becoming a leader was his destiny. Though there have been ups and downs, his current role as the President of the Philippines is vastly different than the rule of his father. Growing up as the son of the brutal dictator Ferdinand Marcos, “BBM” Jr. is taking a different approach. The complicated relationship between Bongbong Marcos continues to develop. Now, he’s positioning himself, and his country, as a top ally in Asia willing to push back against the ongoing Chinese expansion influencing the region.

Who Is Bongbong Marcos?

Bongbong Marcos is the current President of the Philippines. He has served in various political roles since his return to the country. His family was heavily involved in shaping an unsavory dictatorship in the country before fleeing to Hawaii after losing American support. Despite his father’s harsh treatment of the Filipino people, Marcos Jr. has worked to better his country and continues to navigate tricky geopolitical climates in Asia. There continues, however, to be criticism of his harsh treatment of those involved with illegal drugs, similar to his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte.

Revolution and Exile to Hawaii

Under the rule of his father, 11,103 people suffered abuse and torture during a martial law dictatorship. This would inspire a revolution. During this time, the health and rule of Ferdinand Marcos were failing. BBM was willing to attack rebels at Camp Crame, even with the lives of thousands of civilians at stake. President Ronald Reagan decided to take the Marcos family, and other individuals, out of power and out of the country after fears of a civil war. This is how Bongbong Marcos would arrive at Hickam AFB, where his father would die in 1989, providing a path to return to the Philippines for those exiled.

BBM Returns to the Philippines

At the time, President Corazon Aquino was leading the Philippines. He was welcoming the Marcos family back into the country. This was only on the condition that they faced the charges levied against them. Bongbong Marcos would return with some of the other members of his family. He decided to continue ruling his people, though this time, through public office. He went on to create a political career that began with him being a representative and eventually the governor of his home province of Ilocos Norte. Decades of political success have brought us here, where Bongbong Marcos's China policy has him leading his nation and rekindling a relationship with the United States.

President Bongbong Marcos Is Repositioning the Philippines as a US Ally

Bongbong Marcos's foreign policy has the Philippines undoing the years of approach from Rodrigo Duterte. Rather than look to China for investment and agreements while balancing a lesser role from the U.S., BBM wants to be an American ally. In Southeast Asia, smaller nations continue to navigate very testy waters from fully supporting China or the U.S. However, BBM is taking a different approach by increasing defensive measures with the United States and Japan. Despite the promise of Chinese investment in the past, this hasn’t come to fruition. This is all while China continues aggressive moves in the area. Now, as the Philippines once again draws near. As tensions rise between China and the United States, agreements are on the table. Now, foreign policy is changing thanks to the Filipino leader. All of which, has political ramifications, but just as importantly, is affecting where and how our military prepares for war.

President Bongbong Marcos Is Receiving Support from the US Military

The South China Sea continues to be a contested region. Additionally, escorting Philippine ships through it isn’t off of the table, according to Adm. Samuel Paparo, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM). Ongoing reports of confrontations between Chinese ships and Philippine ships continue. This has caused Filipinos to suffer injuries and damage. Many of these incidents involve resupply runs to bring Filipino troops stationed throughout the area needed provisions. Even before Bongbong Marcos came into power, the U.S. maintained its commitment to be there for the Philippines in the event of armed conflict. This is further highlighting how the American Armed Forces are committed to maintaining peace in the area.

Seeking Regional Solutions

Beyond the United States, stepping in, there are calls for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a block of ten nations in the area, to work together for solutions that work better for everyone involved. The problems BBM is facing with his country against China are only part of the puzzle. There are several nations claiming portions of the South China Sea. This means only more complications leading to possible American involvement. Getting involved in a war with China would be a significant issue for the U.S. and the world as a whole. Political leaders stateside influence the U.S. military. As President Bongbong Marcos and those before him have proven, the influence of other politicians can shape our country’s defense policies when American interests are at risk. Suggested reads:




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