

By Breasia Williams

Those who have not done significant research on military service may not be aware that in addition to military pay, branches often offer bonuses. The Army reenlistment bonus is an incentive that encourages members to stay in service. We're telling you everything that you need to know, including how your expected bonus is going to be affected by the National Guard Bureau suspension.Related read: VA Travel Pay – Reimbursement, Eligibility, How to File, and More

How Does The Army Reenlistment Bonus Work?

Though bonuses are not available to everyone, they often get people to fill high demand jobs that require a lot of training. These jobs are usually high-paying in the civilian world. If a Soldier who is currently in the Army has completed at least 17 months of active duty (not including training), is qualified in a critical military skill, and reenlists for a minimum of three years, they are eligible for an Army reenlistment bonus. Army bonus payout amounts are based on critical skills and selective retention. The selective retention bonus program encourages Soldiers to maintain their current military occupational specialty (MOS) or reclassify into another MOS based on job demands. In addition to reenlistment, the Army offers the option for members to extend their service, while still qualifying for a bonus. This leaves the option open to Soldiers who will not commit to the longer terms required of reenlistment. Army reenlistment bonuses are in tiers from 1 to 10. Tier 10 receives the largest payout, and consists of higher level job fields and longer reenlistment commitments. However, the Army matches increased commitment to the service with an increased Army reenlistment bonus.

Army Enlistment Bonus Incentives

In addition, there are Army enlistment bonuses that incentivize potential members to enlist in the Army. Again, the bonus payout will depend on a member’s MOS and enlistment contract length. To learn more about receiving a bonus for enlistment in the Army and what jobs are eligible for bonuses, check out the US Army website. Additionally, Army enlistment and reenlistment bonuses are constantly reviewed. Suggested read: Gen Z Remains Uninterested in US Military Recruitment Efforts

Timelines and Payout Procedures for Reenlistment Bonuses

An Army reenlistment bonus, 2024, cannot exceed the lesser of the amount equal to the product of 15 times the monthly rate of basic pay to which the member was entitled at the time of the discharge or release of the member or the number of years (or the monthly fractions thereof) of the term of reenlistment or extension of enlistment. Also, an Army reenlistment bonus cannot exceed $90,000. The timing of a bonus and pay out is dependent on the details of your contract and qualifications. Generally, if your bonus is less than $20,000 you can expect to receive all after completion of your training; however, timing may vary. If your bonus is more than $20,000, you will receive half of it upon completion of technical training. You'll receive the remainder in annual increments. This method of payout is to ensure that you continue to meet your MOS standards for annual bonus pay eligibility.Failure to meet MOS or other standards may result in ineligibility to receive your annual bonus pay. If you fail to finish your reenlistment contract after receiving a bonus, you will need to pay back a prorated portion. However, this depends on the time of service left on your contract.

Previously Suspended $5,000 Reenlistment Bonus Is Back!

Originally, National Guardsmen planned on receiving their reenlistment bonus in March of 2024. However, as of March 1, 2024 according to a memorandum by the National Guard Bureau, their bonus was facing suspension. The bonus suspension was going to be impacting all payments in 2024 and 2025. The memo regarding pay suspension was shared on social media on the National Guard subreddit.As of March 8, 2024, the Army reenlistment bonus suspension frustration quickly subsided as reenlistment bonuses began being issued again. A memorandum shared by the National Guard Bureau states, "States may resume the issuance of reenlistment bonuses. This is inclusive of all contracts with a future payment date in FY24 or FY25." The decision to suspend the Army reenlistment bonus came after news that the program's success had outpaced the budget for the bonuses. This led to the suspension of new reenlistment contracts, one which the National Guard initially anticipated a 30-day pause for. Thankfully, a funding solution has been identified. According to budget documents, the Army requested $675 million for enlistment incentives. This includes the Guard, reserve, and active components for fiscal year 2025.The bonus suspension did not impact existing contracts. However, it is important to note that the reinstatement of the reenlistment signing bonus can not be applied retroactively. This means that those who signed reenlistment packages between March 1st and the 7th will not be eligible for signing bonuses.National Guard members who have met the criteria, and reenlist for two to four years, can receive up to $20,000.Read next: Military Recruiting: Gaming and Teen Recruitment Updated by Lauren Piette, March 5th, and Breasia Williams March 15th




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