

By Buddy Blouin

There are certain places in the world where intrigue and the unexplainable abound. Area 51, Roswell, and Easter Island, just to name a few, are prime examples of places where mysterious activities have gone down that either can’t completely be explained or are still shrouded in some mystery due to the plausibility of certain theories. Camp Hero, located in Montauk Point, New York, is no exception. From traditional military operations to alleged experiments involving everything from time travel to psychological warfare, Camp Hero remains a place of intrigue. It’s even helped inspire various forms of media, including one of the biggest Netflix successes of all time. Suggested read:Famous Veterans: You’ll Never Believe These Celebrities Actually Served

Camp Hero Montauk Has a Mysterious Past

Montauk Point has been a strategic location for the United States as far back as the late 1790s. It would continue to be used for various military operations in both World Wars. During the Second World War, Fort Hero would become Camp Hero after being commissioned by the U.S. Army. The military installation would continue operations long after WWII and into the Cold War, when it was eventually renamed Montauk Air Force Station. Here, surveillance and defensive military exercises were conducted, but many believe extraordinary experiments were also performed. Before you write these events off as simply another half-baked idea created by people with tinfoil hats, it’s worth noting that multiple people have come forth with differing, yet similar, accounts. Abducted, at times against their will, odd experiments, and a foggy memory due to the tests conducted all seem to be characteristics that follow men such as Preston Nichols and Al Bielek. It’s also worth noting that in the book series Montauk Project written by Nichols and Peter Moon, they refer to the content inside as “soft facts.” Today, it's generally considered fiction, and the Montauk Project is, indeed, a conspiracy theory; however, there are still many who believe suspicious activity did occur. Some still believe that the experiments may even be ongoing.

Why Is Camp Hero Still Guarded?

Some of the speculations come from the fact that if you take a look inside Camp Hero, you’ll notice that some areas are still guarded and blocked off. It is fair that the old Camp Hero military base would remain guarded to prevent conspiracy theorists and others from finding classified military specs, but is something even more sinister afoot? The truth is, military installations, or any building in disrepair, come with plenty of dangerous features. Even in an isolated part of New York, Camp Hero State Park is home to almost 400,000 visitors annually. It may be very convenient that the guards are keeping visitors away from the main area where the infamous satellite radars were located – the very same area where experiments are alleged to have occurred – but the safety of park visitors is priority one.

Alleged Experiments at Camp Hero

Unfortunately, there is an ugly past of U.S. human experiments that are all too real. The Montauk Project’s allegations would put the experiments right alongside these atrocities if ever proven true, which is unlikely. There are many different experiments claimed to have occurred here, including mind control, faking the moon landing, psychological warfare, time traveling, teleportation, and more. Even making contact with extraterrestrials is not off the table here. But as fun as these things may make a sci-fi series, the pursuit of such interests also connects to alleged kidnappings by the U.S. government. Many people are curious about Camp Hero because they have a desire for the truth. It would be beyond interesting to learn that, deep in an underground military installation, scientists had learned ways to travel through time or control the minds of the general population, but there are also human rights concerns. Obviously, controlling the minds of a population would be a human rights issue in and of itself, but if subjects were kidnapped, this would also lead to an entirely different focus. The conditions of the people, even if not kidnapped, who were part of the experiments would also be in question. Many are seeking to discover the mysteries of life as well as to fight for justice for those involved if foul play occurred.

Camp Hero State Park Is a Must-Visit for "Stranger Things" Fans

The summer of 2022 will see the end of one of the most beloved Netflix series ever created: Stranger Things. It was inspired heavily by the Montauk Project and is rife with government conspiracies, the supernatural, and simply growing up while trying to figure out the unexplainable. If you find yourself looking for a great place to get outdoors and are a superfan of the series, Camp Hero State Park is a great place to reconnect with nature and add your own supernatural twist. There are great spots for surfing, fishing, hiking, and much more. Though you should make note that swimming is not allowed. Overall, Camp Hero still serves the American public today, albeit in a much more peaceful way. As for other dimensions, government experiments, or a Demogorgon appearing, all are highly unlikely. Then again… stranger things have happened… More like this: 'Top Gun: Maverick' Reignites Interest In Real Top Gun Pilots

Image: Copyright (c) 2019 Felix Lipov/Shutterstock.




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