

By Buddy Blouin

Exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune has affected around 1 million people. The situation is unfortunate to say the very least, as these military personnel and civilians have had lifelong negative effects on their health spanning decades. Receiving a payout for Camp Lejeune has been on the minds of many. When it comes to the Camp Lejeune lawsuit payout per person, the amount will depend on a number of factors. However, it’s also important to note that a new Camp Lejeune payout update has been announced. If you want to receive your Camp Lejeune payout faster, new options are available. Disclaimer: Here at VeteranLife, we strive to provide the military community with a variety of helpful resources; however, we are not lawyers. This article does not constitute legal advice and is only meant to provide information about potential options that may be on the table. When making decisions about the Camp Lejeune payouts and other legal matters, consult with a licensed legal professional. Related read: How to Get Compensated Through the Camp Lejeune Justice Act

What is the Average Payout for the Camp Lejeune Lawsuit?

On average, the Camp Lejeune lawsuit payout per person is going to vary. Based on the budget that will be used for compensation, the average Camp Lejeune payout is estimated to be between $10,000 and $500,000. The facts surrounding each case will depend on individual factors. Obviously, the more affected someone was, the higher the Camp Lejeune lawsuit payout amount per person will be for those specific individuals. Each Camp Lejeune payout occurs in a faster manner these days due to the new “elective option.” The payout amounts secured through this method are all in the six-figure range. Suggested read: Study Shows Link Between Camp Lejeune and Parkinson's Disease

Get Your Money Faster With the New Elective Option

On September 6, 2023, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Navy are providing new options for service members, their families, and civilians in light of the Camp Lejeune lawsuit. Veterans can now choose an elective option to speed up claims. Nearly 100,000 claims that have been filed since 2022. "The elective option is a critical step in bringing relief to qualifying claimants impacted by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, who will now have an avenue for receiving quick and early resolution of claims under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act," said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. Over 93,000 claims have been received since the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was launched in 2022, itself a part of the PACT Act benefits package. The deadline to submit a claim is August 10, 2024. Those using the elective option must be suffering from a specific illness in relation to the incident. They must prove exposure to the contaminated water over a period of time. If you have kidney, bladder, or liver cancer, you can receive $450,000, so long as your exposure was over five years. The same is true for those who contracted non-Hodgkin lymphoma or leukemia. If these ailments afflicted you for one to five years, you could receive $300,000. For those exposed for at least 30 days, but no more than 364, the payment can be $150,000. Furthermore, if you have suffered from end-stage renal disease, multiple myeloma, systemic sclerosis/systemic scleroderma, or Parkinson's disease, settlements are available. Exposure payouts are: $400,000 for over 5 years of exposure, $250,000 for one to five years of exposure, and $100,000 if exposure was between 30 and 364 days. A Camp Lejeune wrongful death payout may also include an additional $100,000. Officials will be contacting those eligible with their options.

When Will Camp Lejeune Payout Occur?

After accepting your settlement offer, you’ll generally have Camp Lejeune payout amounts within two months (60 days). This is the same amount of time you have to decide whether or not you wish to accept your settlement. The Camp Lejeune lawsuit payout per person may vary but it’s time that options become available. Those affected are long overdue for compensation as they simply did their part to ensure our nation’s security, unknowingly putting themselves at risk for the greater good. Read next: What to Know About the Ongoing 3M Earplug Lawsuit & Settlement




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