

By Buddy Blouin

In war, victory is the goal. It doesn’t matter which facet of life you can think of, factions are going to use it to gain an advantage. It goes without saying that communication is an important component of any endeavor, but this is especially true on the battlefield. Electronic warfare is, once again, becoming an important topic of discussion as the U.S. is seeing more and more threats related to EW that could put future operations at risk. Read next:The Evolution of Artillery in Warfare

What Is Electronic Warfare?

Electronic warfare, also known as E warfare, is the use of the electromagnetic spectrum in war. This includes things such as radio frequencies, the use of radar, or even infrared technology to communicate, detect, defend, attack, interrupt, or jam the systems and devices of your enemy. A common example is the use of electronic warfare to jam communications through the airwaves, making it impossible for troops to communicate with one another. Such disruptions can also be used to prevent an army from using its communications to pilot a device such as a drone or UAV. There are three main functions of electronic warfare systems, with each using the electromagnetic spectrum in a unique way to carry out its mission:

  • Electronic attacks can harm an enemy’s communications in a number of ways. Some of these methods include denying service, disrupting communications, or deceiving the enemy.
  • Electronic protection is the opposite and functions to prevent electronic attacks from affecting one’s devices and communication systems.
  • Electronic support is using spectrum to detect an electronic attack or device in the hopes of responding and defending against it.

Cyberattacks are an important component, but electronic warfare goes much further than hacking computer systems. There are many different types of disruptions that can occur, and it is possible to face such threats from enemy electronic warfare systems in the air, on land, or at sea.

The Ukraine Invasion Is Raising Questions

U.S. troops are learning about electronic warfare in Ukraine as tactics continue to shift from the Russian front. At the beginning of the invasion, Russian forces seemed to be staying away from such methods, but as the war drags on, more and more Ukrainian fighters are reporting issues and destroying equipment used by enemy forces. The success of Russian electronic warfare components shows a dedicated use for the tactic and advancement in Russian technology. It also means that the idea that America or other NATO member nations can rely on communications without issues in the event of war may be a thing of the past. “Electronic warfare is almost by definition one of the hardest things to discern on the battlefield. It seems early on Russia was not well prepared to employ these capabilities, but now there are numerous stories of localized jamming and disabling of drones,” said Michael Kofman, a noted Russian military analyst. The reports aren’t showing complete domination from Russia, but despite Ukrainian forces overtaking and destroying several Russian jammers, communications have still been hindered. Capabilities of these electronic warfare systems range from disrupting guided missiles to jamming communications between troops. American Forces have had to deal with such issues before and will have to revisit solutions as these attacks begin to rise. In 2018, an AC-130 operating on a mission was confirmed to be attacked by EW. It was never confirmed, however, who initiated the attack, with Syria, Russia, and the Islamic State all being prime suspects. Despite the EW jamming the AC-130 during its mission, the operation was still able to be carried out. Suggested read:What American Veterans Fighting in Ukraine Need To Know Before Going

E Warfare Job Opportunities

The future holds plenty of mysteries, but the American military should take the conflict ongoing in Europe as a wake-up call to better position itself to defeat such threats. Because technology continues to evolve, so, too, does the way the military communicates. Innovative communication solutions, such as 5G, are positioning themselves to provide many innovative features that are aimed at delivering faster speed, more secure connections, and the ability to customize pieces of spectrum. There is also more and more focus on cybersecurity and protecting the spectrum used by the United States and our allies. The importance of the Electronic Warfare Officer in the Armed Forces is only growing by the second. Their job is to operate within electronic warfare to ensure that American Forces come out superior. More like this:Cyber Center Fort Gordon: The Home of U.S. Cyber Excellence




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