Happy Flag Day! Flag Day is an American holiday where we celebrate the flag that represents our wonderful nation. Flag Day began on June 14th, 1777, when the Continental Congress accepted and approved the design of the United States flag as a symbol for the country. While July 4th may be “America’s birthday,” Flag Day remains equally important in its own way; an essential part of the overall picture in solidifying the image of freedom. Join us as we celebrate this timeless holiday with some quotes and facts about Flag Day.
4 Flag Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
1. It is Mandatory In Some Places Within the United States for the American Flag To Be Flying.
Though there are numerous places across the nation where one would be likely to see our beautiful flag waving in the breeze. However, it is only mandatory in a few places. For instance, the flag is required to always fly at the White House, Fort McHenry, and the Iwo Jima Memorial.
2. Betsy Ross May Not Have Been the First Designer of the American Flag.
Everyone thinks of Betsy Ross as the creator of the American flag, but the reality would seem to be quite different. There is no actual evidence remaining today that Betsy Ross created the first flag. Many towns in colonial America have claimed in history that the concept of the flag was created by one of their own. In fact, during her lifetime, Betsy Ross wasn’t credited for sewing the flag at all. Her involvement with the project wasn’t reported until almost a century later by her grandson, William Canby, in 1870. Regardless of where the flag truly originated from within the States, Betsy Ross is still credited as being a key factor in its creation and design. This makes her a must-mention on our facts about flag day list.
3. The American Flag Must Always Be at the Top of Any Flag Pole.
As the symbol of our great nation, it only makes sense that the flag which represents it sits atop any other. When anyone has a flagpole with numerous other flags present, the American flag must be at the very top.It is the proper respect that the flag deserves, and having it sit below any other flag or another nation’s would be a direct insult to the motherland for which it is even being flown in the first place.
4. The Flag’s Colors Have Significance
Last up on our facts about Flag Day list is the significance of the flag's colors. The red, white, and blue are more than just good-looking colors that match well together. They have a deep significance in relation to the core principles for which our country stands.Firstly, the red symbolizes valor, hardiness, and the ability to endure. Secondly, the white represents innocence and purity. Lastly, the blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance, and justice. These tenants are what set our nation apart from many others, and so it is only fitting that our flag’s colors would be a constant reminder of that.
Check Out These Inspirational Flag Day Quotes
“When we honor our flag, we honor what we stand for as a nation–freedom, equality, justice, and hope.” - Ronald Reagan
The flag as a symbol has inherited the qualities for which this nation was founded upon. Every time we look and see its colors flying in the wind, may we always be reminded of the principles that brought us here today as a people.
“We take the star from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty.” - George Washington
The flag doesn't only represent the tenants for which we live our lives. It is a reminder of the bravery that our forefathers took to separate themselves from a tyrannical rule in their homeland. The stars and stripes show Americans that our predecessors were not willing to bend the knee and accept a life that they had no desire for. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made to build this country.
“You’re the emblem of the land I love. The home of the free and the brave.” - George M. Cohan
Symbols have long banded people together since nearly the beginning of time. Images that bring together the masses under a singular shared set of ideas. The flag is one such emblem. Its colors and array of stars hopefully will continue to inspire Americans for decades to come.
Ways to Celebrate Flag Day in 2024
There are a plethora of different ways in which people go about celebrating this national holiday. Here are but a few of the ways you can get into the patriotic spirit this year:
- Cookout: Grilling has always been a favored pastime amongst many U.S. citizens. Whether it’s hotdogs or hamburgers, everyone is sure to enjoy a good cookout.
- Fireworks: While usually thought of as a 4th of July celebration activity, Flag Day is also a great occasion to bust out some of those old fireworks you’ve got stashed away somewhere. Just make sure they’re legal in your state before you go lighting up the night sky.
- Recreational sports: Football, flag-football, volleyball, or even maybe even just a simple game of cornhole. Sports have always been a big part of American culture. Getting together with friends and family to enjoy some quality time through sports is a great way to spend Flag Day.
- Parades: Many towns will hold parades in honor of Flag Day. Similar to the 4th of July, Flag Day boasts a good number of parades held in its name. If you’re someone who likes to be at the front of the crowd and isn’t afraid of putting yourself front and center, consider volunteering to be on a parade float.
- Fly the colors: Last but certainly not least, the flag itself serves a great way to show your appreciation for the holiday. It is a simple and non-committal way to partake in the patriotic festivities without going all in with plans and coordinating schedules with others.
And best of all, once the day is over you can leave the flag up, showing your support for your country all year round.
Share These Facts About Flag Day With Family & Friends
Celebrating Flag Day in 2024 has no doubt lessened some of the enthusiasm that earlier generations may have felt toward the holiday. Life seems to get quicker with every couple of years, and it can be easy to lose track of the time. This year, try to find some time to slow down where you can. Enjoy time with family and friends, and be sure to experience your surroundings in a more tangible and intentional way. Lastly, reflect on the life that you have in thanks to the tenants that gave us freedom and liberty. May we never take for granted the beautiful country that we call our home. Enjoy the holiday, and be sure to share these awesome facts about Flag Day!Read next:
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