Fort Eisenhower Civilian Career Opportunities
If you're interested in learning more about civilian career opportunities near Fort Eisenhower, or want to join as a Department of Army Civilian, you have come to the right place. Below, we are breaking down available career opportunities for those wishing to advance their career or try something new.Federal Jobs
Visit www.usajobs.gov to search for Department of Defense jobs at Fort Eisenhower. For information about jobs posted through the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, call Fort Eisenhower’s job information phone number at 706-791-6382 or visit www.gordon.army.mil/cpac/jobs.htm.
NAF Jobs
For information about service jobs, including openings in lodging, recreation areas and more (non-appropriated fund positions), call Fort Eisenhower’s NAF hotline at 706-791-6721.
Exchange Jobs
For Base Exchange jobs, visit the AAFES career page at https://publicaffairs-sme.com/applymyexchange and search for Fort Eisenhower.
How to Find Available Career Opportunities at Fort Eisenhower
As needs arise, new jobs are made available to meet those demands. Therefore, be sure to USAJobs website visit the USAJobs website to see a current listing of available positions at Fort Eisenhower. Additionally, there are a number of local assistance programs are offered. They are as follows.Fort Eisenhower Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center is a great employment opportunity for civilians looking for positions located on base. To learn more about working with the base, you can contact the Fort Eisenhower Civilian Personnel Advisory Center at (706) 791-3840 for general questions about NAF and AF positions.
Employment Readiness Program
The Employment Readiness Program gives civilians information about education services, employment opportunities, training resources, and other opportunities. The program works with families as they navigate the challenges of searching for new career opportunities, helping them secure employment. Additionally, the program has a number of helpful resources in the areas of career planning and searching for employment.
Employers and Career Opportunities in Augusta Near Fort Eisenhower
Augusta, Georgia is home to a number of large-name companies, and ample career opportunities. Some noteworthy companies include: Amazon, T-Mobile, Elanco, CareSouth, Procter & Gamble, John Deere, International Paper, Kimberly-Clark, and Bridgestone Firestone Tires.
Additionally, there are three call centers in the area: T-Mobile, ADP, and SITEL that do not require higher education. For more resources and assistance with job hunting, visit the local Georgia Department of Labor office for access to career fairs, job referrals, interview practice, resume reviews, and career counselors.
Updated: 4/1/2024
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