

By Buddy Blouin

Action, comedy, and intrigue are all on the docket with the early summer release of FUBAR. A cast made of budding stars and all-time action greats combine on Netflix to make FUBAR a series that balances various personal relationships, secrets, high-flying action, and enough laughs to keep you going…well at least for a day. After all, it’s all about the binge, right? Not to be confused with the FUBAR movie series, this is an adventure you won’t want to miss. Related read: Sylvester Stallone vs Arnold Schwarzenegger: Who Was Best?

FUBAR is a Netflix Series Bringing Arnold Schwarzenegger to Your Favorite Device

Kids lying to their parents about the events of their life is nothing new. But FUBAR is willing to take this to the next level in a way that only Arnold Schwarzenegger knows how. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6A56zcGeWE Luke Brunner (Schwarzenegger) and Emma Brunner (Monica Barbaro) are both in the CIA. They have been for years. But as we all know, the nature of such work isn’t exactly something you can take home with you and brag about. So, of course, this father-daughter duo has been keeping secrets for several years. The discovery that both are CIA operatives, however, will lead to a change in the dynamic of their relationship. Both soon realize that maybe they don’t know exactly as much about different aspect of their lives as they once thought. A therapist is brought in to help repair the relationship between the Brunners, and if you want more of the premise, you’ll need to hit play. No spoilers here, but it’s clear where the title is bringing us as a whole. That is, assuming you understand the term FUBAR in the military. If not, no worries, as we will get to it soon enough, but the wordplay sets the stage for both their relationship and the situation these operatives find themselves in as professionals. Can the duo fix the damage these revelations have caused, or will it be the end of their relationship as a whole? Suggested read: Top 18 Funny Military Jokes To Share With All Your Military Friends

Is the Arnold Schwarzenegger Series a True Story?

Inevitably, one would wonder whether or not FUBAR is in fact a true story. But the answer is simple; it's not. However, there have been families uncovering CIA secrets about their own family members in the past, and then having to process all that comes with it. Such was the case of Leta McCollough Seletzky, who had to come to terms with her father's secret CIA past. Marrell 'Mac' McCollough was her father, but he was also working as a spy for the government on the actions of Dr. Martin Luther King. Seletzky has written about her discovery and the complexities that it brought her in her book The Kneeling Man, along with other essays and forms of media. Other media have brought such dynamics to light as well, including the relationship between a father and son in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Now, it’s time for Netflix and the former governor of California to take a swing at it. While the story may not be a true one, the idea of finding out family secrets and navigating the parent-child relationship is far more universal than actually being a spy anyways.

What Does FUBAR Mean?

When something is “f***ed up beyond all recognition/repair,” it’s just easier to say “FUBAR.” The FUBAR meaning continues to be a popular term throughout the various branches of the military and various other industries. This brings us, the audience, to the very center of the issues found in FUBAR. Not just the operations and interworking of each character, but whether or not the Brunners can fix their relationship and move forward. Now streaming on your favorite device via the Netflix app, there’s only one way to find out. Read next: 15 of the Best Military Movies in 2023




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