Hawaii Schools
There are approximately 25,406 school-age military dependents assigned to installations in Hawaii. All children between 6 and 18 years of age must attend school. However, kindergarten and junior kindergarten are not mandatory in Hawaii.
Hawaii State Law requires all students to meet health examination and immunization requirements before they may attend any public or private school in the state.
Branch School Liaisons:
Subject matter experts to help with all school questions and concerns:
• Air Force (808) 422-3770/3771
• Army (808) 655-8326
• Coast Guard (808) 842-2089
• Marine Corps (808) 257-2019
• Navy (808) 422-3770/3771
• National and Air Guard (808) 844-6049
• Army Reserve (808) 438-1600 ext. 3549
Hawaii Department of Education, Public Schools
Hawaii’s single statewide school district is the 10th largest in the United States. The Hawaii school district consists of 289 schools, 257 regular and 32 charter schools, across seven islands, with over 181,213 total students, and 89,929 of them attend school on Oahu. Of the over 25,000 military dependents, approximately 15,000 dependents attend public schools.
Understanding alignment of attendance:
Hawaii is a single school district and organized by Complex Areas comprised of one high school, multiple elementary schools and one or two middle schools. The complex areas are then grouped into island area districts. To view the schools in each complex, visit http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Pages/home.aspx.
All public schools, except Charter schools and multi-track public schools, are required a school year of 180 instructional days, which includes 915 student instructional hours for elementary schools and 990 student instructional hours for secondary schools.
Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten eligibility:
Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten are not required in Hawaii. The current cutoff ages and dates: children who are age five on or before Aug. 1 will be enrolled in kindergarten. Children who are five years of age on or after Aug. 2 up to the date of Dec. 31 will be enrolled in junior kindergarten. Beginning in school year 2014-2015, the cutoff age and date to enter kindergarten in Hawaii will change to age 5 by Jul. 31, and kindergarten is still not required in Hawaii. For more information on early learning information, contact your child’s school, your branch school liaison, or visit http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Pages/home.aspx or call the Hawaii Dept of Education, Early Childhood Education Specialist at (808) 203-5515.
Graduation Requirements:
Beginning with the class of 2013: Graduation requirements for Hawaii public schools, grades (9-12) include the following credits. For more information: Http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/TeachingAndLearning/StudentLearning/GraduationRequirements/Pages/home.aspx
Charter Schools
Charter schools are public schools operating independently from the Department of Education and provide an alternative to regular public schools. They are State funded, legally independent, innovative, outcome based and operate under contract with the State Public School charter Commission. Charter schools are governed by their respective governing Boards. These volunteer boards are responsible to govern and facilitate the academic programs and financial oversight of the school. Twelve of Hawaii's 31 charter schools are located on Oahu. To learn more about the charter schools in Hawaii, visit www.hcsao.org.
Private and Religious Schools
Hawaii has at least 150 private schools with over 100 on Oahu. Tuition at these institutes range from about $3,000 to $20,000 for day students. Many of the schools have waiting lists and require entrance tests and interviews prior to admission. For information on private school, application and admission requirements, go to the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS), www.hais.org.
Hawaii Catholic Schools
Hawaii Lutheran Schools
K12 Academics
Private School Review
Home Schooling in Hawaii
Hawaii Board of Education (BOE) regulations include Compulsory Attendance Exceptions recognizing home schooling as a viable and legitimate alternative for child education. Parents are encouraged to become familiar with the Board of Educations’ (BOE) procedures for Homeschooling in Hawaii. For current HIDOE information please visit, http://doe.k12.hi.us/myschool/homeschool. This regulation allows parents to home-school their children by officially informing the DOE with a notice of intent using a DOE Form 4140 or a letter of intent containing the following information: Child(ren) names and birthdates, Residential address, Point of Contact phone number, grade level last completed, and Parental Signature.
This notice of intent acknowledges, as a matter of record, the parent’s intent to home school and allows the Hawaii Department of Education (DOE) to assist parents in their educational efforts. It is recommended to parents to send the letter certified/return receipt as the letter serves as proof that home schooling is the educational choice of the parent.
Basic home schooling requirements include but are not limited to:
• Narrative progress report and report card
• HIDOE testing for students in grades three, five, eight and 10
Home-schooled children may participate in the HIDOE statewide testing program at the local public school or parents may arrange for private testing at their own expense.
Parents must submit Hawaii Form 4140 or a letter of intent to their residential school, yet parents do not need to enroll their student in school if home schooling, nor fill out Impact Aid cards as they do not apply to home-schooled children. Therefore, birth certificate, proof of residency, TB clearance, and Form 14 physical examination forms are not required to home school.
The home schooling parent is responsible for the child’s total education program as a home-schooled child is not eligible to enroll in selected courses, e.g., music, foreign language or sports. For information on Hawaii curriculum content and performance standards visit, http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Pages/home.aspx.
Home Schooling and High School:
A student who wants a high school diploma can obtain one by achieving a satisfactory GED test score, which is administered by various community schools. The diploma reflects high school equivalency through adult education. Please call the high school in your residential area, or your branch school liaison, for complete details on home schooling and high school questions.
Families are required to notify the principal if the home schooling program is terminated or if another educational program is initiated. For more information, contact the principal of the schools that serves your residential area.
Homeschooling Resources
Home School Legal Defense Association
Homeschooling in Hawaii
Hawaii Home School Association
Christian Homeschoolers
A to Z Home’s Cool Homeschooling
Registration Requirements in Hawaii
Complete information can be found on the Hawaii DOE Web page: http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Pages/home.aspx
To enroll parents will need:
Birth Certificate and all legal documents such as power of attorney if not residing with parents.
Physical Examination:
Medical records showing that a licensed physician has examined the child within one year of schoolentry date.
Tuberculosis Clearance:
This examination must include a negative Tuberculin Skin Test with the result indicating the millimeter reading (which must be performed by a licensed U.S. Physician) and must have been obtained within one year of school entry date.•
All immunizations must meet the minimum age and interval dose.–
For a complete list visit: www.hawaii.gov/health/STAGING/health/Immunization/SHR.html•
Transcripts and Documents from the previous school:
A release from the last school attended which includes an unofficial transcript or latest report card as well as IEPs for students with special needs. Most schools do not release official permanent student records until requested by the new school. Parents or guardians are advised to hand-carry copies of report cards, promotion certificates and other materials that will be helpful in the enrollment and placement of students in proper courses.•
Proof of residence:
You will need a rental agreement/military housing documentation/mortgage or a copy of a utility bill (water, electric, gas or telephone). Documents must have parent/guardian(s) name.•
Legal documents:
Power of attorney and/or court documents if not living with parents.•
Inhaler and EpiPen Consent form — contact your local school health aide for complete requirements.
School Calendars
All public schools, except charter and multi-track schools, follow a single school calendar. School starts early in Hawaii, usually the last week of July or the first week of August. The calendar for school year is included in this section. If it is not due to publication timelines, please visit the HIDOE Web page at: http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/Pages/home.aspx.
School Transportation
Public School bus service in Hawaii requires payment. Students eligible for transportation may elect to use the bus for transportation. Pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) 8-27-5, students in grades K-5 must reside outside a one mile radius to the school of attendance and grades 6-12 must reside outside a
1.5 mile radius, to qualify for regular (for fee) bus service. Students who do not qualify for regular bus service may receive "space available" bus service provided that there are unused seats on the bus and that accommodation will not result in additional cost to the state. For details on SPACE AVAILABLE service contact your residential school. For complete information and requirements: www.hawaiipublicschools.org/BeyondTheClassroom/Transportation/Pages/Home.aspx
City Bus:
The city-operated carrier, called "TheBus," is available to students (up to age 19 with a valid high school ID) for $1 a ride. Monthly passes are $30 and Annual passes $330. Visit www.thebus.org/Fare/youthFare.asp for more information.
Geographic Exception:
If you wish to attend a school outside of your local school boundary area, you may apply for a Geographic Exception (GE). Contact your branch school liaison for detailed information or the Hawaii Department of Education information is available at www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ParentsAndStudents/EnrollingInSchool/Pages/Geographic-exceptions.aspx.
Community Programs
Department of Education Family
Support Services and Parent
Community Networking Centers (PCNC)
The Parent-Community Networking Centers (PCNC) serve to create supportive partnerships among the home, the school and the community for the purposes of supporting student success and building a sense of family and community. The PCNC are school-based centers for families, volunteers and community to identify their strengths, collaborate, make decisions and create partnerships as a part of the Comprehensive Student Support System. The parent involvement program and goals of the PCNC are embedded in the school’s Standards Implementation Design action plans, and serve through a network of relationships among partners, to ultimately support parents and their children’s success in school.
HIDOE Learning Centers:
Hawaii Learning Centers were initiated in spring 1987. They offer Hawaii high school students who have special interests and talents creative and innovative educational opportunities and choices.
HIDOE Electronic Schools:
The Hawaii Department of Education offers an online electronic school. The "E-School" can be accessed on the Internet and offers students the opportunity to earn high school credits through the use of multimedia technologies. The E-School also provides incoming students with an opportunity to learn more about Hawaii’s history prior to their arrival in Oahu. For more information on Hawaii’s E-School and for a listing of available courses, visit www.hawaiipublicschools.org/teachingAndLearning/EducationInnovation/VirtualLearningNetwork/Pages/home.aspx.
Joint Venture Education Forum (JVEF):
Established in 1999 by Sen. Daniel Inouye, the JVEF is a cooperative venture between the military community and the Hawaii Department of Education (DOE) to improve educational opportunities for military dependents in public school system. JVEF is comprised of public school educators and leaders from military commands, government, community and business. The Executive Board is co-chaired by the HQ USPACOM J1 Director and the Hawaii Superintendent of Education. The Board is comprised of 25 standing members representing the military components/bases, Coast Guard, National Guard, DOE, State Legislators, Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii Business Roundtable, Parent Teacher Student Association, principals of military-impacted schools and parents. For more information about JVEF visit: www.pacom.mil/organization/staff-directorates/j1/jvef/dependent-education-resources.shtml.
Hawaii Families for Educational Choice:
HFEC is a nonprofit educational service organization that strives to increase public knowledge about alternative education. Visit www.hawaiiedchoice.org.
HE’E Hui for Excellence in Education:
"HE’E" is a statewide coalition of stakeholders committed to working collaboratively to identify opportunities to improve public education in Hawaii. HE’E seeks to be the focal point for community and parent engagement while serving as a public resource for educational policy. www.heecoalition.org.
Hawaii Board of Education Step Up Hawaii:
Step Up! is a community-wide campaign that promotes college and career readiness for Hawaii’s high school students. Visit www.stepuphawaii.org/node/52 or contact the Board of Education at (808) 586-3349 or BOE_hawaii@notes.k12.hi.us for more information.
Hawaii School Guide:
The overall vision of HSG is for the education opportunities available to Hawaii’s residents to be transparent and accessible and to help parents make the best possible education choices for their child(ren). Visit www.hawaiischoolguide.com.
Hawaii P-20 Partnership for Education:
P-20 aims to improve the quality and equity of Hawaii’s educational pipeline, from early childhood through postsecondary education, and to prepare a highly skilled workforce for Hawaii industry. Visit www.p20Hawaii.org for more information.
School Liaison Offices
Each branch of service provides military members on Oahu School Liaison Officers (SLO) to be advocates for military families and to serve as the link between the military communities and Hawaii Public Schools. For assistance regarding your transition to Hawaii and educational issues, contact your School Liaison officer.
• Air Force (808) 422-3770/3771
• Army (808) 655-9326
• Coast Guard (808) 842-2089
• Marine Corps (808) 257-2019
• Navy (808) 422-3770/3771
• National Guard (808) 844-6049
• Army Reserves (808) 438-1600 ext. 3549
Since 1950, the federal government has been paying a share of the cost of educating each child who lives on or whose parent/legal guardian is employed on federal property. These funds, authorized under the Public Law 103-382, provide only a partial reimbursement to the State of Hawaii and other school districts affected by federal activity for local tax losses resulting from tax-free federal installations. The amount received is solely based on the number of federally connected students who return their survey cards which are given out annually in September. All branches of the service strongly encourage military members to dutifully complete these cards as these funds are critical to the schools and our children.
Student Online Achievement Resources (SOAR):
SOAR is an innovative program provided by the OSD that makes it easy for parents to play an active role in their children’s education. SOAR is designed for military families, and is easily accessible worldwide. Students take an assessment aligned to state standards, and SOAR directs them to individualized tutorials to improve skills where needed. Parents can monitor their children’s progress from anywhere, and are provided with resource materials. Sign up at www.soarathome.org for this great resource.
Tutors are online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and eligible military families in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy can take advantage of this military family program to get help with more than 16 subjects. Visit www.tutor.com/military.
Other Education Links
• The USPACOM FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/US-PACOM-Quality-of-Life-and-Education/129882690529928
• The ARCH site, (Accountability Research Center Hawaii): Statistics and HIDOE reports by year and complex area. http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SchoolDataAndReports/SchoolReports/Pages/home.aspx
• Hawaii Education Matters: www.hawaiieducationmatters.org
• Hawaii State Legislature: www.capitol.hawaii.gov
• Hawaii Parent Teacher Student Association: www.hawaiiStatePTSA.com
Higher Education:
Education opportunities are abundant both on and off base. A trip to your installation education office will avail numerous options. Some of the schools offering programs include the following:
University of Hawaii System:
UH was established in 1907 and is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The University of Hawaii is the state’s sole public system of higher education. The UH System
provides an array of undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees and community programs on
10 campuses and through educational, training and research centers across the state. UH enrolls nearly 60,000 students from Hawaii, the U.S. mainland and around the world. For more information, visit www.hawaii.edu.
The 10 University of Hawaii Campuses
UH Manoa:
The largest and oldest UH campus is located in a residential valley above Waikiki. Manoa offers undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees; a strong, vital research program; and nationally ranked NCAA Division I athletics.2.
UH Hilo:
The Big Island of Hawaii is a natural living laboratory of active volcanoes, deep oceans, the world’s best telescopes and a rich cultural landscape. UH Hilo bachelor’s and master’s degree programs take advantageof it all.
UH West Oahu:
With the lowest university tuition in Hawaii, this four-year institution offers high-quality education, personalized attention, and classes during the day, evening, weekends and online. In fall 2012, a new UH West Oahu campus is scheduled to open.4.
UH Maui College:
A tri-island college, Maui provides comprehensive opportunities, special programs and two bachelor’s degrees on Maui. It operates the UH Center on Maui, education centers in Hana and on Lanai and Molokai, and a pioneering television network that reaches rural areas.5.
Hawaii Community College:
Located in Hilo and administering Kona’s UH Center at West Hawaii, this Hawaii Island community college offers more than 30 associate degree, certificate and non-credit programs ranging from health services and hotel operations to business and trades.6.
Honolulu Community College:
Located near downtown Honolulu with additional facilities for aeronautic, marine, automotive and heavy equipment programs, this innovative community college offers a strong liberal arts curriculum in addition to a wide range of vocational and technological programs.7.
Kapiolani Community College:
On the slopes of Diamond Head, just minutes from Waikiki, UH’s largest community college started the Culinary Institute of the Pacific, promotes an international focus and provides programs in business, hospitality, health, legal education, and arts and sciences.8.
Kauai Community College:
A primary resource center and gathering place for the island’s residents and visitors, this community college in Lihue offers business, hospitality, health, early childhood education and liberal arts courses, and administers the UH Center on Kauai.9.
Leeward Community College:
This community college overlooking Pearl Harbor provides comprehensive opportunities from professional studies to liberal arts. Community outreach includes cultural activities on the main campus and an education center serving Waianae.10.
Windward Community College:
At the base of Oahu’s Ko’olau Mountains in Kaneohe, this supportive community college specializes in creative arts, environmental sciences and Hawaiian studies. It is home to the Office of University Partners, offering bachelor’s degree programs with classes on theWindward campus through partnerships with baccalaureate institutions.
Private Universities
The Shidler College of Business at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa:
This professional college offers over 20 business degree programs designed for full-time and part-time students. Undergraduate majors include Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management and Management Information Systems. This College also offers a part-time MBA, full-time MBA (with options in country-specific MBAs), Master of Accounting, Master of Human Resource Management and various dual master’s degrees in nursing, financial engineering and civil engineering.
This college is renowned for its expertise in international management education and is consistently ranked among the best international business programs in the nation by U.S. News and is accredited by AACSB International. For more information, visit www.shidler.hawaii.edu.
Hawaii Pacific University:
HPU is the largest private university in the State of Hawaii, with campuses in downtown Honolulu and Kaneohe and Education Centers at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Schofield Barracks, Tripler Army Medical Center, Sand Island Coast Guard Station, MCBH Kaneohe Bay and MCBH Camp Smith. HPU also has online programs and flexible course schedules to improve access to educational programs for military service members, their families, veterans and U.S. Government civilian personnel. HPU is a participant in the Post 9/11 GI Bill’s Yellow Ribbon Program. More information at www.hpu.edu/military.
Wayland Baptist University:
Offers both bachelor’s degrees and vocational education programs.
Central Michigan University:
Master’s of science in administration is offered.
University of Oklahoma:
Offers fully accredited, in-residence master’s degree programs at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
Chaminade University of Honolulu:
Associate’s and bachelor’s degrees.
For more specific information, contact your Installation Education office:
Installation Educational Office phone numbers or contact the base information line at 449-7110.
• Hickam (808) 543-8053
• Schofield Barracks (808) 687-7093
• Tripler Army Medical Center (808) 544-1493
• Kaneohe Marine Corps
Base Hawaii (808) 257-1232
• Camp Smith (808) 544-9318
• Pearl Harbor (808) 687-7081
Hawaii State Department of Education JROTC Program Information
Air Force
Aiea High School (Oahu) (808) 483-7324
Kailua High School (Oahu) (808) 266-7917
Kaiser High School (Oahu) (808) 394-1228
Moanalua High School (Oahu) (808) 831-7904
Baldwin High School (Maui) (808) 680-1370
Farrington High School (Oahu) (808) 832-3585
Hilo High School
(Hawaii) (808) 974-4021 ext. 2263
Kahuku High School (Oahu) (808) 293-8910
Kaimuki High School (Oahu) (808) 733-4912
Kapaa High School (Kauai) (808) 821-4401
Kealakehe High School (Hawaii) (808) 327-4300
Konawaena High School (Hawaii) (808) 325-4525
Leilehua High School (Oahu) (808) 622-6565
Nakakuli High School (Oahu) (808) 668-5848
McKinley High School (Oahu) (808) 594-0474
Mililani High School (Oahu) (808) 627-4171
Puhahou School (Oahu) (808) 944-5864
Roosevelt High School (Oahu) (808) 587-4600
Saint Louis School (Oahu) (808) 739-4803
Waianae High School (Oahu) (808) 697-7012
Waimea High School (Kauai) (808) 338-6810
Waipahu High School (Oahu) (808) 677-6640
Marine Corps
Kapolei High School (Oahu) (808) 692-8200
Campbell High School (Oahu) (808) 680-1370
Kalaheo High School (Oahu) (808) 254-7918
Radford High School (Oahu) (808) 421-4214
Waiakea High School (Hawaii) (808) 974-4849
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