A Hellfire missile is believed to have taken out Ayman al-Zawahiri, the previous leader of Al-Qaeda. But it’s not just any missile, as evidence points to the possibility of the R9X being the weapon responsible. This secret U.S. missile aims to kill only terrorists, not nearby civilians, and is fired from an unmanned drone. These weapons are an insane feat of engineering and destruction that allow for precision strikes to completely take out their target while limiting damage to those around them. This is a great feature when attacking an individual and looking to limit collateral damage to those in the area. Related read:Who Was Al Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri & Who Gets His Bounty?
AGM-114R9X Hellfire AKA the Ninja Bomb AKA the "Flying Ginsu"
It goes by many names, but know this, no matter which moniker you choose, this air-to-ground precision weapon is the thing of nightmares. Now, there's speculation that an R9X missile was used to kill one of the most wanted men in the world. The R9X Hellfire missile gets such deadly names because it supposedly takes out its targets using precision strikes that involve multiple blades instead of explosions. Its quiet nature and the terrifying proposition that a missile can hit with extreme accuracy make it the perfect weapon when looking to assassinate a target. The way it works is that instead of using a warhead, the Hellfire missile blades are launched as a weapon towards its target. Though there have been reports of these types of Hellfire missiles before, the government continues to deny the existence of such a weapon. A quick online search can yield previous documentation of supposed uses of the R9X throughout the years to hit high-profile, senior al-Qaeda targets. Hitting a target inside a specific building can be done by many Hellfire missiles, but this Hellfire missile can take the precision as far as hitting a specific target in a specific seat. While the outcome of coming face-to-blade with the Flying Ginsu, as it’s often called within the Defense industry, is deadly, the collateral damage can be much easier to contain. This means that assassinations and precision strikes can hit the bad guys while leaving innocent people out of the destruction. At least mostly.
So, Yeah…We F*<$3d Up…
This is far from the first time Ayman al-Zawahiri has been reported dead. Since becoming the leader of Al-Qaeda in 2011, he’s been a top target of the American government. Even before, he was a major player in the September 11th terrorist attacks that sparked decades of wars in the Middle East. Easy to say, not America’s best friend, and many, many people wanted him dead. But the goal of the American Armed Forces should never be to attack terrorists while harming civilians stuck in a dangerous way. No part of war is fun or ideal, but we have to do better. Drone strikes from American Forces attacking terrorists and foreign forces in the Middle East have killed as many as 909+ civilians since 2015 in Afghanistan alone, according to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Beyond the obvious moral reasons that this is a disturbing trend in American strikes, it’s also a great way to inspire those in the region to be against us. The strike occurred in the Sherpur neighborhood found in Kubal, Afghanistan, the nation’s most populated city and home to millions of people. A precision strike is the best way to keep them safe while still hitting your target. While the strike was heard throughout the area, reports and images point to the use of an R9X, as there doesn’t appear to have been an explosion or fire. Hellfire missile aftermath lacks explosions, pointing to the idea that they did use the R9X. Because the Hellfire missile used is believed to use blades and strike individuals rather than areas, there’s less damage and less potential for casualties outside of the target. These key features are why the missile has been alleged to have been used throughout the later years of the Middle East conflicts while hunting al-Qaeda's remaining leaders.
Brimstone vs. Hellfire Missile
The R9X is thought to be used as a way to assassinate, but it originally had a purpose to sheer through tanks as an anti-tank weapon. This is a similar function found in the Brimstone missile, which is used by British forces and, most recently, Ukrainians. A major difference is in the functionality of both missiles. While each can take out a tank, the Brimstone can be launched at high speeds, whereas R9X missiles are launched at slower speeds. The accuracy of both Brimstone missiles and Hellfire missiles might allow either one to come out on top, depending on who you ask, but Brimstones can be fired from not only jets but also ground-level trucks. Hellfire missiles are built to be fired from helicopters and drones. Price is also a big difference between the two. $250,000 per missile is what a Brimstone missile will run you, while a Hellfire missile is a much more affordable option. The cost of a Hellfire missile is $150,000 per missile and has been manufactured by Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman. Finally, while the Brimstone missile continues to focus on attacks that take out multiple targets, the deadly blades of the Hellfire missile (R9X) make it a great option for taking out individuals. Assuming they exist and that the evidence is true, they seem to work pretty d@mn well overall. Read next:What Is a Hypersonic Missile and How Is the U.S. Mitigating Their Threat?
Image: U.S> Air Force
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