By MyBaseGuide Staff Member

Managed by Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC), NAS Meridian Homes affords a wealth of benefits that are hard to match beyond the gates. The moment you tour the community, you’ll discover the built-in family atmosphere where you’ll be surrounded by support from military members and families alike. Three- and four-bedroom homes are available at NAS Meridian. The community is pet-friendly. NAS Meridian Homes office is at 716 Gill St. in the Pine Crest neighborhood. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. the first Saturday of the month. The office is closed on federal holidays. Call the management office at 601-679-7669 or visit the website at www.NASMeridianHomes.com. The Community Center is at 719 Gill St., and Sesame Street Center is at 721 Gill St. Both centers are open during normal business hours Monday through Friday. Both centers can be used on the weekend for parties by completing a reservation form at the office. Service members will continue to come to the Navy Family Housing Office to complete a housing application package. The Navy Family Housing Office is at 718 Gill St., and the phone number is 601-679-2520. Navy Family Housing personnel will review your eligibility and determine your entitlement and then refer you to BBC for actual assignment. To apply for PPV housing the following documents are required: a completed DD Form 1746 (Housing Application), a copy of your orders to NAS Meridian, a copy of your Page 2 or RED (Record of Emergency Data) and a completed Sex Offender Policy Acknowledgement & Disclosure. The DD Form 1746 and the Sex Offender Policy Acknowledgement & Disclosure Form are available at most Military Family Housing Offices worldwide or www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/housing.html. Application packages may be scanned and attached to an email or mailed. Please don’t use your Personal Identification Information when submitting your documents. Service members are encouraged to contact the housing office as soon as possible.Housing Referral Services
Finding a place to live can be a problem when moving to a new area. The Housing Service Center promotes personalized and convenient service to all military personnel and DOD civilians in locating suitable off-base housing. Local information on the community, schools, shopping centers and utility companies is available to familiarize you with the local community. Local maps are available in this office. A current list of houses for rent or sale can be found at HOMES.mil, and you can log on to https://www.homes.mil/homes/DispatchServlet/HomesEntry. Most apartments and houses require a six- or 12-month lease.UNACCOMPANIED HOUSING
The Unaccompanied Housing operation consists of eight buildings and is capable of housing over 600 personnel, including enlisted and officer permanent party residents, geographical bachelors and students. Marine “A” School check-in is a 24-hour operation in Building 353, Room 110, and Navy “A” School students check in at the NTTC Quarterdeck in Building 360. Washers and dryers are centrally located in Building 387 for all students at no cost. Washers and dryers are located on each floor of Building 208 for all permanent party personnel. A full kitchen is also available on the first floor of Building 208 for all authorized residents. TV lounges are available in all buildings. Smoking is not allowed in any room. Pets are not allowed in any of the rooms. Contact your command sponsor coordinator upon receiving your orders to NAS Meridian, service school or tenant commands to ensure a smooth transition. For additional information, contact the Unaccompanied Housing Manager at 601-679-3796.SHARE:
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