Whenever there's talk of who is the greatest anything, you’re sure to spark a debate. But to say that John Browning doesn’t deserve a seat in the conversation when it comes to determining the greatest gunsmith of all time is absurd. For good reason, we don’t see many naysayers making a lot of arguments against the influence of Browning's inventions and designs. The Browning family had a real knack for creating firearms. John would take after his father Jonathan and go on to create a legacy unlike any other. From his teenage years when he began his career to the modern military today where some of his designs are still in use, John Browning's guns have stood the test of time. Related Read: Who Invented Guns? – A History of Firearms
How Many Guns Did John Browning Design?
When it was all said and done, John Browning would go on to make more than 100 weapons and hold at least 128 patents. He began perfecting his craft at the age of 13 or 15, depending on who you believe. While developing his weaponry and arming the Army, John M. Browning would catch their attention by creating what would become a famous machine gun. Featuring a belt-fed, water-cooled design, it took six to eight men to operate the .30 Caliber, Browning M1917 Heavy Machine Gun. Although created in 1905, it wasn’t until 1916 that the U.S. Army accepted his design. The first order would encompass a run of production totaling more than 70,000 guns. Suggested Read: The First Gun Ever Made Was Formed From Bamboo The guns of John Browning have influenced the designs and production of a variety of other famous firearm brands, as well. Some of these include Colt, Remington, and Winchester. His innovation for repeating rifles and shotguns, in addition to his advancements in machine-gunning tech, continues to influence modern warfare today.
What Guns Did John Browning Design?
There are plenty of guns that were designed by John Browning. One of the most notable is the John Browning 1911 handgun, better known as the Colt 45. There were also the FN Model pistols, the design for the breech-loading rifle, and both pump-action and lever-action repeating shotguns. John Browning also helped create a variety of rifles including several popular repeater models, and many different machine guns, including the .50 caliber machine gun. This weapon is currently still used in modern warfare. Overall, if a firearm has been used to defend America since the late 1800s, chances are, you can find Browning’s influence somewhere to be found.
See His Inventions at the Browning Firearms Museum
The Browning Firearms Museum is a great place to find exhibits that showcase the life and lifework of John Browning. His weapons are immortalized and remembered through a variety of displays. Here, visitors can see everything from pistols to cannons, and of course, machine guns and rifles, plus much more. A trip to the John Browning museum is a great stop for all lovers of American history and firearms. It’s open Wednesday-Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, most days except for state and Federal holidays, as well as the first two weeks of January. When you visit, you’ll be able to enjoy a wide range of weaponry on display and uncover information relating to his work, including the Browning Single Shot Rifle, Browning Auto 5, 1911 Colt 45, and M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), to name a few. Admission is very affordable with adults gaining entry for $7, seniors for $5, and children between $0-$4 depending on their age. Just set your GPS to the Union Station Trainmen's Building, 2501 Wall Ave, Ogden, UT 84401, and enjoy! Read Next: Why the Colt Single-Action Army Revolver Will Never Go Out of Style
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