Veteran, military community advocate involved in politics, and noted businesswoman Kate Monroe has a lot of hats to wear. Giving back through her leadership is at the core of what Monroe brings to the Veteran community following her life of service in the U.S. Marine Corps. (USMC). However, there are alleged controversies that may be negatively affecting Vets. It’s important to note that as of this writing, these are simply allegations of a possible firing of Monroe and fraud involving VetComm.

Who is Kate Monroe? VetComm CEO and Founder
One of the things Kate Monroe is best known for is founding and acting as the CEO of VetComm, as well as House The Heroes, a nonprofit helping homeless Vets.
VetComm, however, aims to help empower disabled Veterans and Monroe understands their plight better than anyone as she’s part of this community.
Monroe is known for her efforts to advocate and work with leaders politically and within communities to ensure Veterans have a voice and resources.
It’s no secret that VA disability claims are a pain point for Veterans, as they are complicated to navigate.
VetComm operates as a consultant to Veterans with the aim of helping them access their benefits against a complex system.
In December 2024, Monroe won the Veteran of the Year title at the Service and Sacrifice Veteran's Gala for her efforts, as well as her political run for Congress to represent California.
VetComm’s Operations
Filing VA claims has created plenty of problems within the Veteran community and VetComm claims to be a solution within the community.
This means helping Vets find solutions without having to deal with “profit first” companies who charge too much or turn non-profitable Veterans away only adding to the frustrations.
VetComm offers online educational courses, helps with translating claims, and works to guide engaging with Veterans throughout the process.
It’s worth noting that despite all of this, VetComm is not accredited with the VA nor affiliated with the organization, according to its website.
Kate Monroe, Katy Eatmon, and an Alleged Lawsuit
It’s worth noting that the allegations mentioned below are just that, allegations, and even if legal action is being taken, the process is ongoing.
According to a post on LinkedIn from Elizabeth Hartman (ChFC), Monroe has been fired from her position as VetComm CEO and is involved in a lawsuit.
Also a Veteran and advocate for Veterans, Elizabeth Hartman alleges the following:
- Monroe was fired from her job as the CEO of VetComm US.
- CeCors Inc., the parent company of VetComm, is suing Monroe for fraud.
- Vets were promised certain services that they never received and in retaliation for being fired, files were deleted.
There is a document in the comments of the post from the Superior Court of California - County of San Diego that allegedly places Kate Monroe under the alias of “Katy Eatmon” under case number 25CU002058C in a lawsuit filed on January 13, 2025.

What Did Kate Monroe Do in the Marines?
After graduating from high school, Kate Monroe went to Corban University before joining the USMC. It’s unclear what her exact role was; however, she is now a 90% disabled Veteran who has separated from service. When asked about the role that the military played in her success as a businesswoman she stated, the “Marine Corps set me up for a successful life and career.”
She has also said that her military background has helped her in business endeavors, as she leverages it to help change the minds of those that she works with.
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