

By Buddy Blouin

The use of martial law has been a topic growing in concern for millions of Americans. Under normal circumstances, the Republic of the United States of America stands to govern its citizens through the ideals of democracy and protecting liberties and freedoms. But during times of distress, including natural disasters or extreme cases of civil disorder, it may be required to maintain order and return to normalcy. It can be an unnerving topic for some, but education can help you better understand when it’s appropriate, how it works, and what you should do should it ever become necessary.

What Is Martial Law?

Martial law is when the military gains authority over civilian rule for a period of time to maintain or restore order within a region. This can be a nationwide implementation or within a smaller geographical area. Martial law in times of civil disorder can help to restore normalcy, but it can also be used in the aftermath of a natural disaster or during wartime and invasions.

Examples of Martial Law in the United States

Believe it or not, there have been several examples of its use throughout the history of the United States. Most of the time, it's been used within singular states rather than on a national level. Here are a few famous examples:

  • The American Revolution
  • New Orleans and the surrounding areas during the War of 1812
  • The Great Chicago Fire in 1871
  • West Virginia Coal Wars
  • The Freedom Riders during the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama

From wars to civil unrest to natural disasters and more, the U.S. has a history of using martial law to restore order when it’s needed the most. When used properly, it can be a helpful tool working towards a free, democratic society governed by the people, for the people. More like this:When Did the Revolutionary War End?

Here’s What To Expect

Such scenarios of martial law can lead one to think of how everything can go wrong. In general, Americans are free to do much of what they want within the law. We are afforded freedoms that many countries would love to also enjoy and govern ourselves in the pursuit of justice and liberty. Martial law, when applied correctly, doesn’t forfeit all of these pursuits, and there are still considerations for the military in charge. Military members aren’t allowed to conduct undercover operations nor use surveillance on citizens. Constitutional rights are not abandoned under martial law, either, and even though we do have some guidelines, it’s important to remember that martial law continues to be a convoluted and complex topic. Depending on who you ask, courts may be replaced by military tribunals… or not. Civilians aren’t allowed to be tried in a military tribunal… maybe. Also, the president can declare martial law… although he might also need Congressional approval; however, Congress can declare martial law… though it depends? Your state governor may also declare martial law under certain circumstances. The point is, there are still many questions about what happens when it is declared, what constitutes it being declared, and who can declare it in the first place.

What To Do if Martial Law Is Declared

Please note that although the idea of martial law can be used for injustice, overall, it's a procedure that can help give structure to regions that are vulnerable. Here are some pointers in the unlikely event that it becomes the law of the land:

  • Prepare yourself through education to understand what you can and cannot do under such laws.
  • Stock up on supplies, as access and travel restrictions may apply.
  • Don’t cause trouble, and maintain a low profile during this period.
  • Remain calm and remember that local law enforcement is still in effect during these moments.

This isn’t everything you need to know about martial law, but it’s a great start. This is a complex legal situation that is uncommon and frankly loosely defined. At the end of the day, you’ll likely be placed in a harsh situation where your and your family’s survival is your responsibility first and foremost. Act accordingly and lawfully to avoid mishaps and understand that while some limitations may apply, historical instances of martial law have been lifted as soon as the order of society has returned. Read next:DEFCON Levels Explained



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