This great nation of the United States of America has endured through many hardships thanks to a long list of principles that uphold our way of life and structure of doing things. Freedom, liberty, and the right to choose how we want to live. But none of these things would have lasted as long as they have if not for the selfless, brave sacrifices of many men and women who pledged their lives to the service of this country. Memorial day is a time when we can collectively slow down and remember what those in service gave so that we, the people, can live the lives that every human being deserves to experience. Here are 13 Memorial Day quotes to honor the legacy of those who gave it all.
10 Memorial Day Thank You Quotes
Below, we're breaking down the top 10 Memorial Day quotes that serve as a reminder of why we celebrate the holiday.
“Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom.” - Rodney Frelinghuysen
A simple quote but one that carries so much truth. Our armed forces are the backbone of this country. Without them, there’s a good chance it wouldn’t be flying the star spangled banner today. When we think of America, we must always remember those who gave up their physical and mental health, their lives, and their time with their family and loved ones to make sure that we can all live freely.
“I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty, and freedom. It is the history of our nation, and it’s marked by the blood of those who died defending it.” - John Thune
The Red, White, and Blue unites every American under a singular set of ideals. These ideals make us who we are. They set us apart not just as a people, but as a nation. Outside of the United States, the American flag reminds others of the statutes that hold this nation aloft, and the unbreakable spirit of patriotism that goes with it. The reason America is able to be seen in such a different light to other countries is because of the way of life that our people have fought so fervently for. Because of that, those courageous souls will be eternally immortalized through their service and sacrifice.
“If you want to thank a soldier, be the kind of American worth fighting for.” - Unknown
There are many who do all they can to try and give back to those who fought for this country. While it is an admirable thing to look after and help our own, sometimes the best way that we can honor the ones who gave it all for the rest of us is to live the way that they themselves would have wanted to. Whether they are a Soldier who has laid down their life for their fellow man, or they are a Veteran who has sacrificed their health and peace of mind to do their part, they both equally served to ensure other Americans could live a fulfilling life. Showing respect to others, helping those in need, showing love for our country, and living our lives by the ideals are the foundation of this nation - these are some of the small ways that we can thank Soldiers for their service.
“Ceremonies are important. But our gratitude has to be more than visits to the troops and once-a-year Memorial Day ceremonies. We honor the dead best by treating the living well.” - Jennifer M. Ganholm
Life is short and fleeting. We have no idea what each day may bring. Therefore, we should make it our mission to make sure we use it wisely. To offer hollow words at a graveside does no one any good, but treating one another with kindness, compassion, and fairness goes much farther. This is the American way: to support each other, to shoulder our burdens together as fellow humans made in the image of God.This is what those who have passed on chose to fight and die for. We can honor their noble sacrifices by going forward and living our lives with intentionality.
“The brave never die, though they sleep in dust, their courage nerves a thousand living men.” - Minot J. Savage
The sacrifices of brave men and women in our armed forces not only help protect our nation in which we live, but they also inspire others to do their part. Everyone who enlists in the United States military does so because they are inspired in some way, shape, or form. Whether it’s because of someone they knew who enlisted, a Veteran in their life regaling them with stories of their time in the service, or someone laying down their life for another, the unifying theme that connects these people is inspiration. Even in death, the Soldiers who gave it all to protect their people live on in the minds of many, inspiring them to continue to do what is right.
“So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good." - Helen Keller
Memorial Day is undoubtedly a difficult time for anyone who has had a friend or family member who has passed in the line of duty. You may find it a struggle to remain hopeful and positive on a day like this, wishing that they were still here with you. Yet while they may be gone, their memory lives on with those they left behind. It may sound like a cliche, but it’s one of the realest truths out there. We all as people are small and insignificant, and chances are the majority of us won’t be remembered by the masses decades from now. What matters is that we are in the hearts of the ones closest to us when we leave this earth. We may now be remembered by many, but as long as we are held dear in the minds of those we loved, our memory will live on just as much as when it was here in person.
“Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to the government, when it deserves it." - Mark Twain
The laws by which we live are what has given the United States of America the unique identity that it has amidst other countries. The dedication to freedom and the pursuit of happiness as its citizens would see fit has earned it the nickname of “The Land of Opportunity.”The body of government that has been elected to oversee the country has been in effect since the establishment of the Constitution. While the government usually does its best to do what is right for the country. Ultimately, it is not this body of government that the people are loyal to, but the country itself, and the ideals that come built into it. America is more than its courts and institutions. It is a place where everyone is to be treated fairly and equal, to see the vision for their lives fully realized. It is not the United States body of government that the fallen gave their lives for, it was the motherland itself and the ideals that come with it for which they were willing to sacrifice it all to protect.
“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” - Lee Greenwood
Patriotism is not something that is exclusive to the United States alone. Yet, there is a special kind of fervor which its people display when expressing their appreciation for their homeland, one that is unique to this country. The willingness to enlist as a way to give back to their home, the people unified under the stars and stripes that fly high on our flag - Americans show time and time again that it is our patriotic bonds that bring us closer as a nation. When a Soldier looks up at the American flag, they see all of these things. It is this beautiful notion for which they are willing to give their lives: To ensure that the freedom for the people remains, and they will not be forgotten for it.
“There is nothing nobler than risking your life for your country.” - Nick Lampson
A hero denies themselves, and what they want, in order to see that others are kept safe by any means necessary. Every single one of the men and women who have fallen in service of this great country did so with that same mentality. They were willing to do whatever was required of them. This is so that those of us back home could continue to live in peace and harmony. These individuals stepped up when no one else would or wanted to. They answered the call when it was most important. They gave all they had with the knowledge that they wouldn’t get to see their loved ones again. This was all in the valiant effort to see that their home was kept safe.
“This is the day we pay homage to all those who didn’t come home. This is not Veterans Day, it’s not a celebration, it is a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom.” - Tamra Bolton
For every Veteran that we praise for their service to our country and its people, there are many more of those who never had the opportunity to become ones themselves. Memorial Day is a reminder to the American people that the lives we enjoy did not come freely. The lives we live today came at the heavy price of the ones who put their own on hold. This country has been kept strong by the sacrifice of heroes who looked no different from you and me; fellow Americans who took up the mantle when the need was great. As long as the flag of the United States waves high in the breeze, so too will their memory live ever on.
3 Memorial Day Quotes for Loved Ones
Check out these Memorial Day quotes. They are perfect for celebrating the holiday. They can also be shared with friends and family alike to get into a celebratory mood.
"Whether we observe the occasion through public ceremony or through private prayer, Memorial Day leaves few hearts unmoved. Each of the patriots whom we remember on this day was first a beloved son or daughter, a brother or sister, or a spouse, friend, and neighbor." - George H. W. Bush
As we remember the fallen, may we not just think of them as Soldiers fighting for what’s right, but as one of us. As those who mourn their loved ones go through this difficult time, may we also come alongside them and mourn the people that they were, not just what they did.
“Who kept the faith and fought the fight; The glory theirs, the duty ours.” - Wallace Bruce
The fight for freedom has been a long and hard one. They did their part, now we should do ours and make sure that America remains a place worth fighting.
“Heroes never die. They live on forever in the hearts and minds of those who would follow in their footsteps.” - Emily Potter
While they may be gone from us, those who passed in service to this country will never truly die. This is as long as they live on in the hearts and minds of those left behind. Very few people in this life are able to leave such an impact. We honor them by carrying their memory forward as we live the lives they fought hard to secure.
These Memorial Day Quotes Remind Us to Never Forget
This Memorial Day, we mourn those who gave it all for their country. May we not be sad about their passing. It may be a tumultuous time for many who have lost a loved one, friends, or family. However, I hope that you will find solace in knowing that they fell doing what they believed in. Not just for their country, but for you as well.It is often hard to think of them being absent. However, we know that they are of the greatest of heroes this world has ever known. Their memory will be remembered as long as the United States of America endures. These Memorial Day quotes remind us to never forget.Related reads:
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