

By Buddy Blouin

The idea behind Military Appreciation Day is simple. It’s yet another day to come together and show our appreciation as Americans to the U.S. military. Not to be confused with Military Appreciation Month in May, this day has a similar meaning. However, it is celebrated in August—or is it? Here’s what we know about the elusive military holiday and movement.

When Is Military Appreciation Day?

Every August 31, the celebration of Military Appreciation Day remembers the sacrifices necessary for our freedoms and way of life. It has origins beginning in 1949. While it’s not the largest military holiday, many state fairs still observe the holiday. This is where some of the confusion begins because while entities, such as the State Fair of Texas or Alaska State Fair do have celebrations, the date isn’t always on August 31. Some, including Alaska, are celebrating Military Appreciation Day 2024 near the alleged holiday, with the Final Frontier hosting its event a day after on September 1. Others, such as the State Fair of Texas, have marked the occasion in late September instead. However, a deeper dive shows that other organizations also celebrate the military holiday, only to all but ignore its ties to August altogether.

Organizations Honoring the Troops

If you look around in the hospitality, entertainment, and retail industries to name a few, you’ll find plenty of military appreciation days throughout the year. Many have ties to May and November for a few reasons:

  • May is Military Appreciation Month. It features Memorial Day, and is a time in which the nation has a higher focus on the community as a whole.
  • Similarly, November is popular due to Veterans Day, making it a great option for organizations.

Furthermore, just as when the fairs are held will affect when military appreciation days are celebrated, seasonal changes will also affect organizations. November has plenty of official Military Appreciation Days tied to football and basketball because that’s when the sport is played. Meanwhile, baseball is more prone to May dates because of the previously mentioned hyped surrounding the military community during this month. Regardless of when you observe, what’s important is why you do so. The day is less important than that of the sentiment behind it. The reason we can enjoy football games, nights out at a baseball park, or deals at restaurants and retail centers is because of the dedication of our nation’s military. Keeping their sacrifice in focus is the key, whether that’s on August 31 or any other day of the year.

How to Observe Military Appreciation Day

You can observe Military Appreciation Day in many ways. At state fairs and within organizations, the military members of the local community get recognition. Some families even receive gifts and an ovation for their service. Know someone who serves in the military or their family? Going out of your way to show kindness will go a long way. Sometimes, we think that gestures must be grand in their appearance and scale. In reality, bringing someone to the movies, buying them a gift card to their favorite coffee shop, or any other small act will do. Simply checking in on military families in your community can also do a lot for those in the service. If you do find yourself at a public celebration, be sure to cheer loud. Additionally, show support for those in the military community at your state fair or sporting event. Giving back to trusted military charities or donating your time volunteering are also wonderful gestures. Regardless of when you celebrate Military Appreciation Day, the important thing is that we all remember those willing to give of themselves so that we can live free here in the United States of America. Suggested reads:




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