

By Buddy Blouin

Building your career and education as a milspouse has never come with more options—it’s also made things more complicated. There are so many options, and finding the right resources for your needs can be difficult, however, thanks to the Military OneSource Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program, you’ll find everything you need conveniently organized. Our guide will help you access these incredible resources and explore your options.

What Is the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program?

The Military OneSource SECO program provides milspouses with career and educational resources that include a wide range of options but make them easy to locate.

There are tools that help you find tips on networking, scholarship programs, job opportunities, training and licensing options, and much more.

Milspouses can utilize the SECO program to overcome some of the challenges you might otherwise face when looking for work or improving your skills.

MilLife Guides

One of the best examples of Military OneSource SECO’s education and organization offerings is found through its Spouse Education & Career Opportunities MilLife Guides:

  • Career Coaching
  • Career Connections
  • Career Exploration
  • Education, Training, and Licensing
  • Employment Readiness
  • Managing Your Career
  • Spouse Education and Employment

Everything from help with military benefits to resources providing support for your employment journey and educational pursuit.

Benefits for Milspouse Careers

As a milspouse, you have access to military benefits, which include the Military OneSource SECO program and its other services.

Understanding these benefits is complex and time-consuming but with the right resources, you can navigate what you need with ease.

There are simpler resources available, such as access to base salaries and wages, but you’ll also find important information and opportunities for scholarships, overseas programs, FlexJobs, and other military-exclusive options.

Resources for Education and Careers

Looking for work and chances to better yourself through education is unfortunately place rife with bad players.

Fake job scams alone cost Americans $450 million, not to mention the time lost and the stress that comes with it.

Furthermore, fake scholarship programs allow people to phish your information, steal your identity, ruin your credit, and create years of problems for you and your family.

As scary as that might sound, milspouses have plenty of resources thanks ot the DoD as well as programs offered through Military OneSource.

These scholarships and job opportunities are available to help you better yourself, save money, find employment, and best of all, do it all through trusted, safe channels.

Help with identifying employment scams is a huge way Military OneSource SECO benefits you, however, you’ll also find access to DoD SkillBridge, educational resources for college, student aid, and ways to search for jobs safely.

Additional Military OneSource SECO Resources

On top of all of the previously listed resources offered by the program, there are several free or downloadable options available.

Milspouses and their families can benefit from SECO-related products. Depending on the resource you need, there may be a cost but again, free resources are available.

The website is great for finding invaluable help, such as free career coaching, the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship workforce development program, help for transitioning, etc.

To learn more and access all of the Military OneSource SECO resources that are available, simply click the link.




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