Military Permanent Changes of Station (PCS) can cause multiple challenges for military families. You may struggle mentally and financially, having to pack and move, setting up travel itineraries, and ultimately adjusting to a new environment. Though true, there are benefits to take advantage of when experiencing PCS.
Even if you are relocating due to PCS and have pets, you can utilize military PCS with pets. Until recently, military personnel who owned pets had to cover most of their pets' transportation costs. In 2023, the Department of Defense approved a policy for military PCS pet reimbursement effective January 1, 2024. This is a great offering to service members; anyone with a pet should know it. Let us explore military PCS with pets and how you can utilize it.
Key Considerations of a Military PCS with Pets
Moving can be stressful, but relocating with pets can be even more so. Military PCS with pets will throw unique challenges at military families. Locking down your transportation method and other logistics ahead of time is essential. Consider preparing as soon as you are notified of the move.
You want to ensure your pet is safe during travel and that all health requirements are met for travel. Additionally, finding and securing pet-friendly housing is essential and will make the transition much smoother.. Finding adequate housing for your pet can be difficult because of breed and size restrictions for specific options.
This move will be a huge adjustment for you and your pet, so it is essential to prepare for it. Moves, as such, can trigger stress in your pet and alter their health and mood. Be sure to maintain your mental health for your sake and that of your pet, who will need extra love during this time.
The Benefits of PCSing with Pets
As mentioned, reimbursements are available for military PCS with pets. Effective January 1, 2024, reimbursements of up to $550 for one household cat or dog pet due to PCS within the United States. For relocations outside of the United States, up to $2,000 is allotted for costs to transport a pet.
In addition to this new benefit to military service members, there are others to look out for. Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) may be helpful for you while searching for permanent housing. If you go this route, it is vital to ensure it is a pet-friendly location and to hold on to receipts to validate reimbursement.
You should also be aware of Dislocation Allowance (DLA). This provides partial assistance with financial costs related to relocating. If received, it may be paid to you before your move.
Another benefit you can take advantage of is the Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA). If you relocate overseas due to military PCS with pets, this program helps partially offset housing costs.
Ensuring a Seamless Military PCS with Pets
If you want your military PCS with pets to be as seamless as possible, it is essential to properly research. You should proactively find information on the pet policies and regulations at your new location. In addition, you should plan your travel methods in a timely fashion to eliminate that stress.
You should also be aware of any cat or dog travel rules so that there are no surprises when you are making your move. Your pet should also have all necessary vaccinations, and you should acquire a health certificate from a certified veterinarian for travel. You can also have a microchip inside your pet with updated information in case it is lost. Once the microchip is scanned, it can help identify your pet.
You should be considerate of your pet’s mood and feelings during this time. Pets can have a hard time adjusting to such a sudden move. Incorporating your routine and new processes that align with your new environment can help your pet cope.
Also, isolating your pet in a confined space filled with recognizable items synonymous with where you left off can help. You can design a room or area of your house to accommodate the pet's toys and other familiar belongings. Slowly but surely, get your pet acclimated to its new environment and initiate new or similar routines there. These are some ways to get your pet acclimated to its new surroundings.
Department of Defense Approves Policy to Reimburse Pet Expenses Due to Permanent Changes of Station, Accessed July 2024.
Military Compensation - Dislocation Allowance, Accessed July 2024.
Overseas Housing Allowance, Accessed July 2024.
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