

By Michael Wang

Military UFO sightings are sometimes brushed under the rug as a hoax or some sort of science fiction tale. We often see these stories being told in documentaries, but we never quite seem to come to a conclusion on if these are real. There are staunch believers and staunch deniers. No matter what’s real or what’s not, the four military sightings of UFOs below send chills down our spine as we look closer into what happened during the events. Suggested read:What Scott Kelly & More Big Names in NASA UFO Study Hope To Find

4 Insane Military UFO Sightings

1. 2008 - USS Blue Ridge

In the year of 2008, Bob McGwier, one of the staff onboard the USS Blue Ridge, experienced a crazy military UFO sighting. The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier was in the midst of a huge typhoon, and Bob claims to have seen a “mysterious craft” so big that it stopped the rain from falling onto the ship from “stem to stern.” In his experience, he claims that when he was on the bridge of the ship, there was no rain hitting the ship despite them being in the middle of a typhoon. When he looked out of the window, he said he glanced up and saw a “glow above us in the sky.” And when he went to get a closer look, he noticed that the lights were “yellowish” and appeared to be on a “flat surface.” The eerie part about this military UFO sighting is that when Bob continued watching the ominous light, the object “suddenly grew bigger” before taking off, shooting straight up into the cloudy sky. And once the mysterious object did that, the rain came back. While this might be surprising to us as onlookers, this is not uncommon to the U.S. Navy at all, as we’ll see in the next UFO sightings.

2. November 2004 - USS Nimitz

Another American military UFO encounter was when U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich, now retired, also experienced a UFO sighting during her time in the military. Her military UFO sighting came from her time during a routine training session where she was tasked, with her then-fellow pilot, David Fravor, to investigate the “radar contacts in the area moving in an inexplicable fashion.” From there, she noticed some movements in the ocean, which she described as “churning.” Then, she and Fravor saw a “smooth, white oblong object resembling a large Tic Tac breath mint” flying at high speeds over the water. This military UFO sighting puzzled both Fravor and Dietrich because when Fravor went to engage with the unknown object, the object responded in a way that wasn't consistent with any existing flight vehicle at the time. Fravor described this object as lacking “any visible flight control surfaces or means of propulsion.” While this might sound like Dietrich’s story came straight from a fiction book, there was actually some military UFO footage that was published from the event for people to see what both Fravor and Dietrich saw that day. To this day, Dietrich and Fravor don’t know what that mysterious object was, but for many, speculation points toward a UFO.

3. March 2004 - Mexican Air Force

On March 5, 2004, Mexican Air Force pilots filmed 11 unidentified objects flying in the skies of the Southern Campeche state. This military UFO sighting featured figures they described as “bright objects, some sharp points of light and others like large headlights, moving rapidly.” The pilots recall the event of the objects flying at an altitude of about 11,500 feet. However, a chilling detail comes forth, as the objects reportedly surrounded the jet as the Mexican Air Force pilots were on their “routine anti-drug trafficking vigilance” in Campeche. One of the plane’s captains, Major Magdaleno Castanon, said that the military jets were pursuing the lights. He claims that the so-called “lights” could feel that they were following them, and when the jets stopped following, they disappeared. Later on, the Mexican military UFO video aired on national television, leaving many questioning what the objects were.

4. November 2004/January 2012 - Iranian Military Intercepts Alien UFO

The Iranian military has encountered their own UFOs, as well. In November 2004, an Iranian F-14 Tomcat tried to lock in on a luminous object that was appearing on their radar, only for the navigation equipment to be disrupted. The pilot of that aircraft described the object as “spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it.” And just like every military UFO sighting report, the unidentified object increased its speed and quickly disappeared. Another scary encounter for the Iranian military happened just over 7 years later in January 2012, when an F-14 scrambled to intercept an unidentified object (“intruder”) that was flying toward the Bushehr nuclear power plant. After the aircraft took off, the F-14 exploded, killing both crewmen that were on board. No one knows why the aircraft exploded. The cause of the tragedy was ruled inconclusive.

Who Knows What’s Out There?

These military UFO sightings are just as chilling as any paranormal story. Despite some definite level of secrecy, the military admits UFO sightings left and right. Whatever the objects are, they leave military and civilian populations confused and wondering what the truth is. Much speculation points to the objects being UFOs, and with these military UFO sightings, who knows? In any case, we’re left perpetually wondering if there’s anything out there watching us. And if there is, we come in peace. Read next:Inquiries Grow as Navy Withholds UAP Footage

Image: DoD via To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences




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