

By Buddy Blouin

You might PCS a lot but you’d be amazed with how much stuff you’ll accumulate from home to home. Military families have a duty to fulfill but moving, no matter how many times you do it, can be difficult. Moving PODS are a great way to store and move your belongings. Learn more about the brand, alternative options, and whether or not a Moving POD works for your PCS.

How Much Do Moving PODS Cost?

There are several factors affecting the cost of Moving PODS, including where you’re going, the size of the POD you need, fees, discounts, etc.

On average, if you are moving across town or to a nearby city, you may only spend $299 to $499. However, if you’re moving across a state, expect to spend $1000+ for the privilege—cross-country Moving PODS can cost $3000 if not more.

Keep in mind that there are also storage fees of $150 to $300 per month and delivery/pick-up costs between $75 and $150 each way.

When comparing your options, you’ll also want to remember that the cost of using Moving PODS should not only be compared to your moving expenses but the costs you’d spend on storage when PCSing as well.

Military Discounts and Entitlements

Military discounts of up to 25% may be available for service members using Moving PODS, however, this might change depending on the time of year. To find out more, be sure to check online for the latest discounts available.

With personally procured move (PPM) entitlements, there’s a chance that using PODS could help you save some of your money.

Furthermore, you can also enjoy peace of mind as PODS can get PPM/DITY weight tickets for you should you choose—less hassle for you and potentially more money in your pocket.

How Do Moving PODS Work?

Available in 46 states, PODS Moving and Storage likely has locations near you. Here’s how it works:

  • Receive your POD and then load it from the comfort of your home. You can choose priority scheduling for specific delivery times and there are even resources for connecting with local packing companies if you don’t want to take on the task alone.

  • Next, you’ll store your belongings either at your home in your POD or at your local PODS Storage Center.

  • Finally, when it’s time to move to your new home, the company ships your container and can even connect you with one of their partners for shipping vehicles if the service is needed.

Quick Facts

  • Moving PODS are weather-resistant but are not climate-controlled—water damage risk is reduced as they can stand up to rain and snow.

  • Only you can access your belongings while in storage using your keys

  • If you want to park your POD on the street, you may be able to, however, you’ll likely need a permit. Be sure to double-check your local regulations and laws to learn more.

Moving POD Dimensions

Affecting the cost of your move, knowing the container size is important when using Moving PODS to PCS.

You also need to understand how much you can fit in each container to ensure everything you need to pack will fit. Here’s how Moving POD dimensions breakdown:

  • 7-foot containers are good for smaller, studio apartments and cost around $150 per month for storage.

  • 12-foot containers are better for apartments with two or three rooms. Applicable homes can also benefit from this size. Expect to spend around $160 per month for storage.

  • 16-foot containers are ideal for homes with three to four bedrooms and cost around $170 per month.

Remember, no matter which size container you use, there are also fees for delivery that will apply.

How to Pack a Moving POD

Packing Moving PODS is simple but you’re going to need to plan things a bit. Here are some tips for packing your POD efficiently:

Inventory and Sorting

Before you get started moving items physically, take an inventory of your personal property, what you plan to pack, what you can get rid of, and the items you’ll need to keep in your possession, including valuables and breakables.

Distribute Your Item’s Weight

Next, be sure to gameplan the weight of the items you’re putting into your Moving POD. Even distribution is going to help you fit more inside and move with fewer disruptions.

This includes spreading everything from the front to the back, side to side, and your heavier items on the bottom with lighter possessions on top.

Use Every Inch and Fill Gaps

Piggybacking off of that last point, you’re going to need to take up as much space as possible for a few reasons:

  • First, maximizing your space allows you to move more things at once.

  • Secondly, your items will be more secure in storage and transit.

  • Finally, if you have rugs, roll them up. Keeping them laid out on the floor seems like a good idea but can cause plenty of problems and even damage your rugs.

If you are truly going to maximize your packing, putting softer items, including cushions or pillows, in between items or putting smaller boxes in holes that are strong enough to survive the move can help you keep things secure and move more in the process.

Protect Your Belongings

You can never be too careful. Bubble wrap is your friend when packing a POD, however, if you don’t want to use it, towels and clothing can be used to secure items that might otherwise be damaged in transit.

Always label fragile items as such and if it’s something that needs extra personal care, consider moving it yourself if you can outside of the POD.

There are hooks to help you better secure your items, so if you have bungee cords and straps, you can put them to use.

Lock Up Tight

No matter where your POD is staying, whether it’s at your home, in a secure storage facility, or in transit, you need to make sure you have a good lock and keep the keys secure as well.

While it’s a good idea to keep one of the keys on you at all times, you’ll need to safeguard the other as well. Don’t give them to moving companies or anyone you don’t trust—PODS doesn’t even ask you for the key.

Alternatives to Moving PODS

The popular use of Moving PODS has sparked a great amount of competition throughout the industry—Allied Express, U-Pack, Smartbox, and U-Haul U-Box, just to name a few.

Each company is going to offer a similar product/service for you to take advantage of, however, each portable storage container may offer a different feature better suited to your specific need.

Best of all, military families can take advantage of comparing rates and discounts to find the company offering the best value for their move.

Moving PODS offer an affordable way to store your belongings and transport them from one home to the next. Be sure to compare options near you with traditional movers if you decide to take on a DIYM when PCSing.




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