Operation Neptune Spear took place on May 2, 2011. The raid on a compound in Pakistan targeted Osama bin Laden. SEAL Team Six was tasked with the responsibility to either capture or kill the al-Qaeda leader. Keep reading if you want to learn more about who killed Osama bin Laden and the operation that took place to bring justice to the thousands of lives lost in 9/11. Suggested read:The Real Story Behind the Slogan “Rangers Lead the Way”
Top 9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Operation Neptune Spear
1. The name “Operation Neptune Spear” refers to the SEAL insignia
A team of 23 Navy SEALs carried out Operation Neptune Spear. The name actually refers to the insignia of the U.S. Navy SEALs. The insignia depicts an eagle perched on a trident. The name is a nod to the trident on the insignia.
2. SEAL Team Six trained in a compound that replicated the compound bin Laden was in

Image: NPR
In 2011, SEAL Team Six was authorized and assigned with the operation to raid the compound. They trained in a life-size replica of the compound for swift and efficient execution of the plan. The team went through intense training because there was little room for error.
3. One of the planes SEAL Team Six took crashed during the operation
The team took two helicopters to the compound, but one of the helicopters was unstable. It landed hard (a soft crash) outside of the compound. No one was severely injured, so the mission was able to move forward. Even with the slight turbulence, the team was able to power through and effectively execute the mission.
4. The helicopters used were modified for stealth
Former President Barack Obama explained in his memoir that the helicopters used in Operation Neptune Spear were two Black Hawk helicopters. The helicopters were modified for stealth operation. The Operation Neptune Spear stealth helicopters transported the team to the compound so they could efficiently carry out the mission.
5. Anyone who got in the way was taken down
The operation needed to be quick and efficient. In order to get to bin Laden, the team had to take down anyone who tried to protect him or his couriers. There were some who were armed and fought back, but they weren’t able to stop the team.
6. Osama bin Laden was hiding out in a mansion 8x the size of the other buildings in his neighborhood
Some believed that bin Laden was hiding in cave systems, but when the team conducted the raid, they found Osama bin Laden in a mansion that was eight times the size of the other buildings in his neighborhood.
7. Osama bin Laden was found and killed on the third floor of his mansion

8. Facial recognition and DNA testing were conducted to further verify the success of Operation Neptune Spear
In order to make sure they took down the al-Qaeda leader, facial recognition and DNA tests were conducted. Initially, there was a 95% chance that the body was bin Laden. When the DNA test was conducted with bin Laden’s family members’ DNA, it was confirmed with 100% certainty that the body belonged to the terrorist leader. His body was buried at sea.
9. Operation Neptune Spear took about 40 minutes
The operation was planned over several years. The raid itself, however, lasted about 40 minutes from start to finish – a lot shorter than many people think. Osama bin Laden was killed in a matter of nine minutes. The careful training and planning allowed for the quick and successful execution of the raid. They spent some of the 40 minutes collecting relevant information and papers to provide imperative intel.
Operation Neptune Spear Video
The operation was a historic event that helped bring justice to the thousands of lives lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. There’s even a movie about the killing of bin Laden. For anyone interested in learning more about the operation, at least the way the big screen likes to portray history, the movie is titled Zero Dark Thirty. Operation Neptune Spear was a major success. The bin Laden killing offered retribution for the thousands of lives lost around the world because of his organization of terrorist attacks. We owe the brave members of SEAL Team Six endless honor and thanks for their courageous actions that day. Read next:Meet the HEXA Drone: We Officially Have a Flying Car
Image: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images
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