National PTSD Awareness Day, also known as PTSD Screening Day, is a time to support those dealing with mental illnesses, particularly Veterans and others in the military community. The main focus of PTSD Awareness Day is spreading the word. It's also about encouraging people to seek treatment, and ending the stigmas that linger today about mental health.
When Is PTSD Awareness Day?
PTSD Awareness Day occurs every year on June 27. It’s a time for friends, family, and caregivers to show support to those suffering from PTSD by raising awareness and encouraging screenings and treatment. All of June is designated as PTSD Awareness Month. It is an excellent time of year to start conversations about the disorder and the resources available to loved ones who are suffering from it. PTSD Awareness Day 2024 marks the 14th rendition of the awareness holiday. It came to be after the government started focusing on helping the military community seek mental health support.
History and Importance
Today, it's easier to talk about and find resources for mental health, but this wasn't always the case.Stigmas and a lack of understanding used to be bigger barriers, though they still hinder efforts even to this day.National PTSD Awareness Day started in 2010, thanks to the Senate raising awareness about these issues.In 2013, PTSD Awareness Month was established, focusing on military Veterans, one of the most affected groups.It's important to support Veterans and help everyone get the information and resources they need to seek treatment.PTSD is a mental health disorder that is caused by witnessing or experiencing a terrifying or otherwise adverse life-changing event.Veterans and military members can be exposed to different kinds of trauma when in war or combat zones that make them susceptible to this disorder.Many military members experience PTSD or complex PTSD. Their loved ones and caregivers need to educate themselves on how to help.Raising awareness is imperative because it helps to break the past stigma that has surrounded mental health treatment.By raising awareness of PTSD, we can help encourage and empower Veterans who may be struggling to seek treatment. We can help them realize that they are not alone.
How Caregivers and Loved Ones Can Help
Whether you are dating someone with PTSD, caring for a family member, or assisting a friend, it is important to educate yourself. Military members and Veterans who developed PTSD can benefit from their loved ones researching and understanding the issue, as being knowledgeable and there for them is important for their well-being. Understanding the diagnosis and taking the time to locate resources is one of the best ways you can lend support to your loved one. Here are some things you can do to show support during PTSD Awareness Day and beyond:
- Research PTSD and Complex PTSD. PTSD awareness is important in aiding with your understanding and support for your loved one.
- Listen to your loved one.
- Be understanding if your loved one doesn’t want to talk about it., but let them know you’ll be there if they do.
- Maintain contact and foster a reliable support system.
- Plan fun activities to help clear their mind.
- Be supportive of their treatment plan.
PTSD caregiver support can sound daunting. It can be confusing or overwhelming when you are trying to figure out how to best care for your loved one. It is okay not to know what to do in the beginning. However, the best thing to do is to research PTSD, show you care, and listen. Avoid belittling or ignoring the issue at hand. If someone you know is suffering from PTSD, they will need your support the most. PTSD Awareness Day is a way for you to help break the stigma surrounding treatment. It’s the perfect time of year to research what it is you can do to support your Veteran and military loved ones dealing with this mental health issue.
Resources for PTSD Awareness Day
There are many resources in place for Veterans and military members to obtain treatment. The VA caregiver program for PTSD offers a list of additional resources and tips to help you support a Veteran or military member seeking treatment for their PTSD. There are more resources available for Veterans themselves if they choose to seek treatment, including the National Center for PTSD. However, it’s important to take time to spread the word about PTSD Awareness Day. If you’re wondering how to help with caring for someone with complex PTSD or PTSD, raising awareness and showing support is a good place to start. In sum, helping to break the stigma around mental health will be beneficial in supporting Veterans or military members who may need treatment. Updated by Buddy Blouin 6/25/2024 Suggested reads:
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