

By Buddy Blouin

On any given day in America, you’ll find no shortage of celebrity headlines. Including everything from Real Housewife scandals, gossip surrounding the hottest rappers in the game, popstars like Harry Styles, and actors like Chris Pine, celebrities everywhere get into publicized moments even if they’re just promoting their new project. But Russia sanctions are coming for many celebrities that speak out in support of Ukraine; just ask Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, and the most recent group of celebs that've been banned from entering Russia. Here are 10 celebrities that have been banned from the Motherland so far. Suggested read:Russian Missiles in Ukraine Are Hitting Decoys Thanks to Drone Confusion

10 Celebrities Banned From the Motherland Thanks to Russia Sanctions

Russian sanctions affecting celebrities isn’t the most pressing issue surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but it’s an interesting development, nonetheless. Here are some high-profile figures that won’t be welcomed to Rossiya any time soon.

1. President Joe Biden

Probably the least surprising name on the list, President Biden isn’t welcomed on Russian soil. The Biden administration has been very outright in its opposition to Russia’s aggression, has sanctioned Russia, and continues to help Ukrainian forces with support. I don’t see Biden and Putin on good terms for a long time, if not forever, after this one.

2. Hillary Clinton

Ordinarily, political views are absent from my writing because it’s important to present truth over opinion. This isn’t one of those times. I’m doing it because I want to stay alive, as does my family. No idea why Ms. Clinton isn’t allowed in the country; she’s a nice lady who wouldn’t harm a fly. Maybe Putin made a mistake on this one? Not sure…

3. Mark Zuckerberg

Russia sanctions Zuckerberg? Ok, I kinda get it. I’ve been in Facebook jail enough, so I definitely get it. But banning someone because they took steps to stop your misuse of their platform isn’t the way to go about it.

4. Vice President Kamala Harris

Russian sanctions against the U.S. would obviously include the VP, and Kamala Harris found that out the hard way. Since April 2022, VP Harris hasn’t been allowed into the country.

5. Lady Gaga

Mother Monster has been banned from Russia since long before the war. She promoted gay rights while performing in Russia and hasn’t been welcomed since. Similarly, Selena Gomez caused a scene on the same topic while in Russia performing, as did Madonna. Neither are welcomed back.

6. Ben Stiller

Because of his ongoing support of Ukraine during the invasion, movie star and comedian Ben Stiller has been permanently banned from Russia. It’s a focked up situation for sure.

7. George Stephanopoulos

George Stephanopoulos is one of the biggest names in the media. He's been reporting on the not-so-censored truth that showcases the war between Ukraine and Russia, so he received Russia sanctions. Pretty clear-cut, even if it is unfortunate.

8. Morgan Freeman

While Mr. Freeman is known for his smooth talking, it was his vocal opposition to Russian interference in 2016 that earned him a ban. Hopefully, Russia was a place already visited by Freeman prior, as, if it’s on his bucket list now, it may be too late. In addition to Morgan Freeman being banned, Rob Reiner directed the video that earned the banishment. Yep, Reiner is also prohibited from the country as a result.

9. Sean Penn

As part of a list of 25 American citizens including Stiller, Sean Penn was banned from entering Russian by the Kremlin. They don’t like it when you talk badly about them. A recurring theme in this piece, wouldn’t you say?

10. British Prime Minister Liz Truss

PM Liz Truss has quite a bit on her plate, but travel arrangements to Russia are unlikely. She may not be a huge American celebrity, but her profile is sure to grow stateside, as she now holds a powerful office with America’s top ally.

Navigating Russia Sanctions Will Have To Continue

The complete list of 963 Americans banned from Russia forever, which is now actually around 1,000, will likely continue to grow. Russian sanctions after Ukraine will be a negative effect limiting the amount of Americans in Russia for the foreseeable future. Additional famous people have also been banned from the country, including George Soros and Oprah Winfrey, and the growing list aims at many different U.S. politicians. It remains to be seen what Russia sanctions in this regard actually do, if anything. It doesn’t feel like a significant move for a country as powerful as it portrays itself to be. But the geopolitical moves of global superpowers may never fully be understood. Hopefully, this becomes a non-issue sooner than later. Not for the sake of celebrity travel arrangements, but for the sake of peace. More like this:Ukraine Memes Are the Modern Day War Bond




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