

By Allison Kirschbaum

Learning about the past means learning about change. The United States has had an abundance of changes and transformations throughout the years, and it is important to recognize this. Thus, understanding what our military personnel have fought for in the past, and continue to fight for today, is one of the ways that they can be honored. The public's interest in national security issues involving the military, such as the one with the Israel-Lebanon conflict, makes it even more important to look back at the past and see what changes can be made. With organizations such as the Society for Military History in place, there will always be a wealth of information that keeps a record of all the failures and accomplishments that made the country what it is today.

The Role of the Society for Military History

The American Military History Foundation was founded in 1933. The organization changed its name to the American Military Institute in 1939 and finally settled with the Society for Military History (SMH) in 1990. The Society's mission is to promote and advance the study of military history. There are around 2700 members of the organization, and they are mostly people in academics, Veterans, and civilians with an interest in military history.SMH aims to promote academic studies, debates, and publications through its journals, annual events and conferences, and the fellowships they offer.

SMH Journals

Since 1937, academic papers on the military history of all ages and local places have been published in the quarterly magazine of the Society for Military History. It offers peer-reviewed articles, annual lists of doctoral dissertations in military history, and a list of recent papers published in other publications that deal with military history.Additionally, these journals contain a wide range of topics on military institutions, research on the social impact of conflicts, studies on the evolution of warfare strategies, and other relevant information.

SMH Seminars and Conferences

The Society for Military organizes an annual event where the most creative scholars and practitioners throughout the military can meet and share their thoughts and experiences. These members have works published worldwide in books, essays, policy papers, and presentations. This event invites everyone to a friendly and intellectually engaging discussion on military issues in the past or present.The Society and its members also participate actively in other international conferences. During these events, the organization makes the conference panels as accessible and open as possible so that everyone can learn at their own pace. For potential meetings and conferences in the future, you can visit here.

SMH Jobs and Fellowships

Each year, the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati grants any member who wants to do fellowships for short-term research. The grants offer $2,000–$2,500 to cover travel, lodging, and other living costs for any scholar who spends at least five days working in the Institute library. The fellowships support the study of the American Revolution by collecting modern books, manuscripts, maps, and other materials that discuss the politics, culture, and military history of the eighteenth century. They are also looking for a Military or Diplomatic Archivist with an advanced degree in Archival Studies or Library and Information Science and a minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience. You can visit their site for job postings and other fellowship announcements if you are looking for one in the future.

Become a Member of the Society for Military History

The Society for Military History offers three simple options for new members or those who want to renew their membership.

  • Option 1: Sign up or log in online. New members can complete the form on their New Member Order page, while those who want to renew can fill out the form by visiting their Membership Renewal Order page.
  • Option 2: Get a membership application by downloading it. To view and print the membership application form, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click on the emblem below to download Adobe Reader and visit the Adobe website. The form will open in a new window if your browser installs a PDF plug-in. If not, you should download the PDF file to your hard drive so you can open it individually using Adobe Reader. Students can also apply by including the name of their enrolled school and the professor's signature on the form.
  • Option 3: If you would rather not join online and are unable to download the application, check how much you’ll need to pay, then send a check made out in US dollars to the Society for Military History. Or, you can provide information about your payment card to the address of the organization. Lastly, make sure to provide your name, email address, phone number, and home address.

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