The Army has been dealing with complications with the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) training platform for months. Now they have launched a new system to take its place called the Army Training Information System (ATIS). This comes after a three month delay. The new system is training individuals in courses like the "distributed leader," which are for noncommissioned officer promotions. Read more about the replacement of the ALMS and what the new ATIS has in store for Soldiers.Suggested read: Lockheed Martin Syracuse Awarded $276 Million Contract
What Was the Job of the Old Army Learning Management System?
The Army Learning Management System website is a training system that helps train non-commissioned officers. There are many things that ALMS provides, some of those being: storage of automated courseware and delivery of training content, 24-7 help desk support, online self-help technical support, and more. There are training values as well. Some of those include: increasing readiness, providing training flexibility, and managing/tracking one's training record throughout their Army career.While these are great values that ALMS provides, there have been difficulties with the platform. It has long been criticized for being clunky, not user friendly, and is known for frequently crashing. All of these issues had led to problems for Solders who need to perform training for extended periods of time. This has led to the introduction of a replacement. Say hello to the Army Training Information System, or the ATIS for short.Related read: China to Invade Taiwan by 2027 Still a Realistic Timeframe
Out with the Old: Please Welcome the ATIS
The Army’s plan is to transfer 150 million records and other data from the ALMS to the ATIS. Individuals who have used a ALMS login within the past year will still have access to their training records. However, those who haven't recently accessed their records will need to request them. This might be a bit time consuming. Originally, the release date for the platform was supposed to be January 4th, 2024. However, it was delayed due to migrating data issues. The technology delay is not the first for the Army, as they have had many other tech-related issues over the last few years. The most recent and notable blunder was the launch of the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army, which was supposed to handle the service's admin tasks. The Army is going to great lengths to modernize the Army Learning Management System in 2024, so be sure to tune back in for updates as they continue to progress towards their goal.
How Is the Army Modernizing the Army Learning Management System in 2024?
Despite the new Army Learning Management System having multiple issues, such as kicking 25,000 beneficiaries off of TRICARE, the Army is still making significant progress. From what we know as of now, the Army Training Information System will be an upgrade. Additionally, the ATIS will host services for the most critical training programs, and is projected to do wo without facing the significant issues that its predecessor faced.
Why is the Army Making a Change to Their Learning Management System?
The ALMS is making the transition over to the new ATIS system to keep up with the Army's modernization efforts. In order to stay ready to defend our nation, the Army must have the most advanced technology and weapons at their disposal. That is why they are making the change to the Army's digital learning platform.
When Will This Modernization Occur?
The new ATIS system has already launched in January 2024. At the time of this writing, updates are still being made to the system.
What Is Being Added to the New System Replacing the Army Learning Management System?
The new system has three major updates. The first is a modernized user interface. The new interface has incorporated feedback from previous users and is addressing past pain points. Additionally, more user-friendly visuals, including icons and buttons, have been incorporated. Now, the new system will allow users to search for courses via their category, improving accessibility. Lastly, the ATIS system that is replacing the old Army Learning Management System will allow users to more easily print their certificates. Read next: Is the US Army Shifting Its Focus Towards Asia?
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