6883 Air Assault St.
The original “Air Mobile Badge” was developed by Brig. Gen. Harry W. O. Kinnard and first issued in 1964. In order to qualify for this badge, each Soldier had to successfully rappel from a helicopter, three times from 60 feet and twice from 120 feet. Each Soldier had to pass aircraft safety procedures, aircraft orientation, hand and arm signals, combat assault operations, prepare, inspect and rig equipment for a sling load, and be able to secure equipment carried in cargo helicopters.
On Feb. 1, 1974, Maj. Gen. Sidney B. Berry established what is now known as the Air Assault School. The training requirements were based off the original “Air Mobile Badge.” At the time, the school was five days long, and at its completion, Soldiers were awarded the Air Mobile Badge. The Air Mobile Badge was later renamed the Air Assault Badge, which followed in the tradition of the Glider and Airborne Badges that were worn proudly by the 101st Division Soldiers.
In 1994, the Air Assault School was renamed in honor of retired Command Sgt. Maj. Walter J. Sabalauski. Since it was established, the school has graduated more than 200,000 U.S. and foreign military personnel. The school is designed to train Soldiers in all facets of air assault operations unique to the world’s only Air Assault Division.
The Sabalauski Air Assault School is also responsible for the Pathfinder Course, Rappel Master Course, FRIES/SPIES Master Course and the Division Pre-Ranger Course.
Soldiers must meet all requirements listed on the Fort Campbell Form 4137 prior to arrival. Off post and TDY students can check the school’s webpage on Fort Campbell’s public