

By Buddy Blouin

It feels like only yesterday the United States had its eyes in the sky looking out for Chinese spy balloons. Still, a lot has happened since and it’s already time to welcome 2024. Here at VeteranLife, we’re proud to bring the military community relevant articles each week. As we welcome in the new year, it’s important for us to thank you, the reader, who without, none of this would even be possible. Without further ado, here’s a look back at the top VeteranLife 2023 stories you guys viewed throughout the year.

1. PACT Act Illnesses

What Are the 23 Illnesses Covered Under the PACT Act? was the leading story at VeteranLife for 2023. There were major developments in 2022 opening up the ability for many Veterans to rightfully file claims that were previously denied. While the deadline has passed (September 30, 2023), you can still file as claims are still being accepted by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).

2. Call Signs

At the very end of 2022,Top Gun: Maverick hit homes everywhere by finally arriving to stream. Tom Cruise is surely at least part of the equation explaining why These 20 Cool Military Call Signs Will Leave You Jealous (or Laughing) was one of our top reads. Besides, if we’re going to kill time going through great reads, it’s hard to top badass call signs.

3. Good Eye, Sniper

The Top 15 Best Sniper Movies To Binge All Year Long didn’t change much in 2023, but then again, it didn’t really have to. In fact, there are plenty of great military-centric, sniper-focused movies already available to view. Find some time to binge-watch classic sniper movies both old and at least somewhat new.

4. SFW Military Jokes

If you’re looking to deliver a punchline for a friendly laugh, the Internet is here to help. Even if you’re not (insert your favorite comedian that isn’t currently canceled) it doesn’t mean you can’t make your family and friends laugh like you are. The Top 18 Funny Military Jokes To Share With All Your Military Friends is a great way to enjoy a quick laugh amidst an often stressful world.

5. A Secret Naval Base

Taking a trip Inside Diego Garcia: The Most Mysterious U.S. Naval Base will have to be done virtually because the secretive nature and remote location are an intentional barrier to visitors. There are conspiracy theories, military applications, and much more stemming from this secretive installation near India.

6. More Military Movies

It’s hard to believe that humans have lived most of their existence without the ability to click a few buttons and entertain themselves with high-definition films. Fortunately for us, we’re living at the right time to do so, which explains the popularity of such films. Here’s our list of 15 of the Best Military Movies In 2023 that you can stream today.

7. Red Balloons

How Likely Is Nuclear War? UN Says Not Impossible and this is exactly why readers felt compelled to keep up with the possibility of total annihilation. But thankfully, such concerns were surrounding the short-lived Russian-Ukrainian war and no other conflicts really threatened such warfare in 2023*. *Our editors would like to note that this is sadly sarcasm.

8. Classified Information on the TR3B?

From Black Triangles to Black Projects, the TR3B Is a Fun Conspiracy readers continue to want to revisit. Especially with various confirmations from the government surrounding aliens, and a not-so-authentic attempt from Mexico in 2023, seeking the truth about the heavens is only growing in popularity over the years.

9. Did Joe Biden Serve in the Military?

The military service of President Joe Biden continues to be a hot topic of debate. Perhaps you’re curious about his qualifications. Maybe you’re looking to prove yourself right or someone wrong in the midst of a political debate. Did Joe Biden Serve in the Military? Click the link to find out once and for all.

10. Giving Back

Rounding out the top VeteranLife 2023 pieces is, The Top 10 Best Charities for Veterans To Donate Time & Money To. Giving of yourself is exactly what the military community does best. So, it’s only natural that finding trusted organizations to continue this mission is one of the core interests of our readers. Thanks for reading, and for checking out the top VeteranLife 2023 articles listed above. We look forward to delivering even more in 2024!




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