

By Noah Abrams

The Civil War took place between 1861 and 1865. This conflict was notable in American history, as many changes in America’s political, social, and economic foundation emerged. Also, there were many advancements at the time, especially in technology. However, railroads surfaced as the number one advancement. Trains during the Civil War were a clear advantage for those who utilized them and directly influenced the outcome of the war. Let us explore the trains of the Civil War and how they became a military strategy game changer.

What Made the Use of Railroads Advantageous?

America had already been using railroads in business, but they became even more helpful during instances of war. It allowed the military to easily transport many troops across long distances, enhancing both sides’ mobility. American Civil War trains could take large groups of Soldiers to the front lines faster than any other transportation method, historically speaking. They were vital to bringing in reinforcements or redeployments when needed.The Union owned and operated a more complex, better-developed rail system than their counterparts. This would lead to a clear advantage for them, as their area of railroads extended 20,000 miles. The Confederacy on the other hand, only extended 9,000 miles. Logistically speaking, the Union was able to maneuver through the war smoothly. This extensive infrastructure helped support efforts to rapidly move or relocate Soldiers. A prime example of this is during the Battle of Chattanooga, which took place in 1863. Soon after, backup arrived on queue to help the Union win the battle.

The Impact Railroads Had on Military Logistics

In addition to being extremely beneficial for transporting troops, they were also important from a logistics standpoint. The transportation of military supplies and necessities like food, ammunition, and medical supplies was crucial to fighting and winning battles during the Civil War.The Union had a wide-ranging rail network and industrial resources. Because of this, it was much more equipped for war than the Confederate army, which struggled in these areas.General William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” in 1864 highlighted the importance of railroads in transporting supplies and other important goods. During this time, he authorized the dismantling of the Confederate rail infrastructure. This hindered the South from easily moving supplies and Soldiers in Civil War trains, and it was a determining factor in the demise of the Confederacy.

How Trains Quickly Became Instruments and Targets of War

Because of how beneficial these trains of the Civil War were to both sides, it became customary for both parties to target the other. On each side, attempts were made to destroy lines, bridges, and depots. Successful attempts lead to disruption in supply lines and to the reinforcement of transportation. These attacks were meant to disarm each other of the most essential tools, which can create immense logistical issues.The Great Locomotive Chase is an excellent example of this. In 1862, Union Soldiers seized control of a Confederate train to destroy the tracks along the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Even though this was not a successful move, it shows how far each side would go to compromise the other’s Civil War train.

Acknowledging Trains for Their Role in the Civil War

When considering the factors that determined the outcome of the Civil War, one must credit the railroad system. It changed the landscape of how wars were fought. The freedom to quickly transport Soldiers and supplies was a big reason for this. Additionally, because of the advantage these trains of the Civil War posed to enemies, each side would take extreme measures to nullify the other’s use of trains. This is because of the monumental impact that trains of the Civil War had in a military context. They have been consistently utilized since then. Logistics and transportation were made more seamless, helping frame modern warfare.Sources:Freight Rail & Military Operations, Accessed July 2024. https://www.aar.org/issue/military/#:~:text=The%20industrialized%20Union%20possessed%20an,making%20railroads%20attractive%20military%20targets.Sherman’s March to the Sea, Accessed July 2024. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Shermans-March-to-the-Sea.The Great Locomotive Chase: The First Awarded Medals of Honor, Accessed, July 2024. https://www.cmohs.org/news-events/history/the-great-locomotive-chase-the-first-awarded-medal-of-honor/.Related reads:




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