The U.S. Air Force (USAF) Detachment 1 is assigned to the 364th Training Squadron at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. Detachment 1 provides world-class initial skills apprentice and advanced level technical training in the areas of Pavements & Equipment, Emergency Management, Engineering, Vehicle Operations, and Security Forces. Detachment 1 produces over 1,400 mission-ready Airmen graduates annually. The detachment provides Airmen hands-on technical training and is fully accredited by the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). Its apprentice graduates are awarded between 10 and 25 college credits depending on their training course.
The USAF Construction Equipment & Pavements Maintenance schoolhouse consists of three initial skills apprentice training courses: a 40-academic day Air Force course focuses on career field safety, crane rigging fundamentals, snow and ice control, and water drainage systems. Students are trained to operate dump trucks, loaders, compact track loader, backhoe, and crawler tractor. They additionally learn how to place/form rigid pavements (concrete) and place/repair flexible pavements (asphalt). Upon completion of the 40-day course, students attend a 5-academic day inter-service course and are trained to operate a road grader to perform basic road leveling and V-ditching operations. Lastly, they complete a 9-academic day Air Force course on how to perform airfield/street sweeping operations using a multi-purpose sweeper. The Pavements & Equipment schoolhouse also teaches one advanced supplemental course: Pavements Maintenance Inspection & Repair (mobile course). This course is 10-academic days and graduates are awarded 3 CCAF college credits.
The USAF Emergency Management schoolhouse instructs military and civil service students in three initial skill apprentice training courses. A 50-academic day Air Force course teaches USAF Civil Engineer deployment and contingency operations; major accidents and natural disaster response/recovery; emergency management planning; wartime nuclear, biological, and chemical defense operations. This course is followed by an 11-academic day inter-service Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear (CBRN) Responder course, where students earn a technician-level Hazardous Materials certification. Finally, students are taught instructor and teaching fundamentals in a 5-academic day Air Force course before graduating. The Emergency Management schoolhouse also teaches two advanced supplemental courses: Emergency Management Craftsman and CBRN Control Center (mobile course). Each of these courses are 10-academic days and graduates are awarded 3 CCAF college credits.
The Engineering schoolhouse consists of two initial skills apprentice training courses: a 50-academic-day inter-service course followed by a 19-academic-day Air Force course. These courses teach apprentice-level Airmen Civil Engineer design, manual and computer aided drafting, conventional and automated drafting, engineer contingency support operations, GPS surveying, Geographical Information Systems, and USAF Civil Engineer wartime and contingency responsibilities. The Engineering schoolhouse also teaches four advanced supplemental courses: Engineering Craftsman, Construction Surveying, Advanced Geographical Information Systems, and Contract Construction Inspection (mobile course). Each of these courses are 10-academic days and graduates are awarded 3-4 CCAF college credits.
The Vehicle Operations (Ground Transportation) schoolhouse trains Airmen in critical skills to become vehicle operators in the USAF. The 30-academic day initial skills apprentice course teaches Airmen how to operate 28- & 48-passenger buses; 4K, 10K, & 10K all-terrain forklifts; and tractor-trailers. Additional training is conducted in operator skills, basic driving hazards, operator maintenance, loading and lashing cargo, vehicle licensing, flight line driving, cargo distribution, and convoy operations.
The Security Forces schoolhouse provides advanced-level training to USAF students through the U.S. Army Military Police School. Training is provided in the areas of special reaction team tactics, hostage negotiation techniques, military police investigation, protective services, conventional physical security, crime prevention, nonlethal weapons operations, anti-terrorism measures and combating terrorism on military installations.
The detachment’s instructors have committed their efforts to instill in these Airmen our three core values: integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. By living by these core values, our Airmen ensure the U.S. Air Force will remain the world’s greatest air force. To contact the Air Force detachment, call 573-596-0811/5689.
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