By MyBaseGuide Staff Member
3rd Chemical Brigade
1. Soldier Training
a. Reception. The 43rd AG BN conducts mixed gender reception, processing and rehabilitation operations for Initial Entry Training (IET), One Station Unit Training (OSUT) and prior service Soldiers. Nearly all Soldiers entering the gates of Fort Leonard Wood for training will spend their first few days at the 43rd AG BN receiving equipment, medical and dental screenings, their first Army haircut and initial briefings on a variety of topics. Those first days are critical to ensure the Soldier arrives at their training unit prepared to begin their transition from civilian to Soldier
b. IET transforms civilians into Soldiers through eight weeks of intense Basic Combat Training (BCT). This gender integrated training is conducted by 1-48 IN BN, 2-10 IN BN and 3-10 IN BN to produce values based, disciplined Soldiers, who are trained in basic skills, Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, and are fully prepared for Advanced Individual Training (AIT). New recruits learn the basics of Soldiering such as rifle marksmanship, patrolling operations, military operations in urban terrain (MOUT), drill and ceremony and basic operations in a field environment. After its successful completion, Soldiers receive their Military Operational Skill (MOS) training through attendance at AIT course where they learn the technical skills required of their MOS, while at the same time applying warrior skills.
c. Chemical AIT. The USACBRNS produces CBRN trained Soldiers for the Army through a 10 week AIT program that provides the foundation that will allow these Soldiers to immediately contribute to their first unit of assignment. The 84th Chemical Battalion is the gateway for all CBRN Soldiers entering the Army. The battalion produces technically and tactically proficient Soldiers proficient in the fundamentals of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear operations. The training includes initial instruction on a variety of CBRN systems in the Army inventory, to include: the STRYKER NBCRV (Nuclear, Radiological, Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle); the FOX Reconnaissance Vehicle; the BIDS (Biological Identification Detection System); and various Decontamination Systems and procedures.
d. Transportation AIT. The USASCBRNS produces Soldiers not only for the Chemical Corps, but also for the Transportation Corps. The 58th Transportation Battalion receives basic training graduates from across the Army, who are designated to become Transportation Soldiers, and provides the training necessary to produce motor transport operators capable of driving 5-ton tactical vehicles, petroleum supply vehicles and over-the-road semi-tractor trailers.
2. Leader Training
CBRN officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) attend basic, advanced and specialty CBRN training at Fort Leonard Wood. Instruction focuses on warfare tactics, leadership, combined arms and joint operations, and operations in a CBRN contaminated environment. International officers from more than 80 countries participate in the leader training programs here at the CBRN School.
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