South Carolina has approximately 170 reserve-component units manned with about 15,000 Soldiers. Fort Jackson is the training site for many of these units. South Carolina Army National Guard units train here and operate their Officer Candidate School, Noncommissioned Officer Academy and Primary Leadership Development School. For more information on scheduling a unit to train, call 803-751-7586.
Fort Jackson is the home for one Army Reserve brigade, one drill sergeant battalion and one institutional training battalion. The 2nd Brigade, 1st Battalion, 321st Regiment, and the 3rd Battalion, 321st Regiment, are assigned to the 108th Training Division (institutional training) based in Charlotte, North Carolina. They are in the Army Reserve Center on Boyden Arbor Road.
The 3rd Battalion, 321st Regiment, provides command and control for subordinate reception and committee companies. It is responsible for all personnel, operations, training, logistical and resource management issues for its subordinate units. It provides weapons marksmanship, general subjects, individual combat training and reception capabilities to Army training centers and, as structure and resources permit, specialized support to ROTC senior cadet annual encampment training, the Chaplain Officer Basic Course field training exercise, and testing and qualification of instructors.
The 2nd Brigade provides training support to the 108th Division as well as active-duty units at Fort Jackson. Soldiers spend their battle assemblies conducting Army Reserve drill sergeant and instructor training and certification. It also operates and supports various training ranges on Fort Jackson.
The 1st Battalion, 321st Regiment, 1st Brigade, is one of 10 similar units in the 108th Division made of Army Reserve drill sergeants who support Fort Jackson in their mission to train initial-entry Soldiers during BCT. When called to active duty, they enhance Fort Jackson’s ability to train additional Soldiers in their early weeks in the Army.
These three units combined with the other units of the 108th Division (Institutional Training) provide IET, school training in areas of combat support, health services and professional development, and instructor support to the Army National Guard and leadership school brigades. Remember, before war-fighter, there is trainer.
The 360th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne) is the U.S. Army Reserve’s only airborne brigade and a tier-one unit. Activated in 1946, the late U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond was the unit’s first brigade commander. The coveted airborne designation was awarded in 1992.
The 360th is the most deployed U.S. Army Reserve unit, deploying Soldiers attached to Special Forces and other Special Operations Forces units as the “tip of the spear” on all major operations. These include operations Early Victor, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
The brigade’s four battalions provide civil affairs support to the XVIII Airborne Corps’ 3rd Infantry, 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne and 101st Airborne (AA) divisions.
The U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Command is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Reserve Command, at Fort McPherson, Georgia. The USARC’s primary mission is to provide command and control to 20 units and 1,600 Soldiers located throughout the continental United States.
The units consist of Army Reserve elements to combatant commands (Joint Forces Command, Transportation Command), Department of Defense and Department of the Army agencies (UCOM, Iceland Defense Force, LOGCAP DISA, Corp of Engineers, DLA), and two highly specialized units (Army Reserve Information Operations Command and Small Arms Readiness Group).
The USARC also conducts the Command Logistics Review Program of USARC major subordinate commands. For more information, contact 803-751-7653.
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