Pick out your favorite social media platform. Tap the app and scroll, swipe, or whatever it is you do to make new content appear just for a few seconds. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram… it doesn’t matter. Okay, now how long did it take to come across someone wanting to sell you something? The Internet is an ad machine, but long before influencers were trying to get you to buy products or political groups were targeting you with their agenda, there were still celebrity endorsements and influencers out and about. One notable example would be a woman born as Constance Frances Marie Ockelman; however, the world would come to know her as Veronica Lake. Ms. Lake would go on to be a femme fatale legend, style icon, and bonafide movie star. But she also helped the war effort during World War II by helping prepare women for factory conditions through more efficient clothing options and by replacing her iconic hairstyle with one that would keep things streamlined while reducing the possibility of injury. Related read:Famous Veterans: You’ll Never Believe These Celebrities Actually Served
Who Is Veronica Lake?
Before WWII, Veronica Lake was one of the premiere 1940s actresses in Hollywood. Working across an array of films, including Sullivan’s Travels, I Married a Witch, and I Wanted Wings, Veronica Lake movies were some of the hottest in entertainment. Her iconic look featuring a peekaboo hairstyle with gorgeous flowing waves made her a blonde bombshell fitting for any box office ticket. Her career wasn’t as long-lived as one might think, however, and there are a few unfortunate reasons for this. Actress Veronica Lake helped influence a generation of women by showcasing her hair more practically for working around machinery. It should be no surprise that this wasn’t exactly a concern for an actress, so it was a stark contrast to her normal look. In a profession where looks are a part of the package, some attribute Lake’s changing style to her decline as a star in America. Another unfortunate factor that affected her career was Lake’s struggle with alcoholism. It was well documented throughout her career, multiple marriages, and eventual decline that Lake struggled with sobriety. This would eventually cost her her roles in films and television as well as her life. Overall, Veronica Lake was like many of us: talented yet fighting personal battles. She discovered her niche and passion and used her talents to help better her country during wartime. She would also travel throughout the United States in the 1940s as a pin-up girl raising money for war bonds. It may not be as flashy as her flowing locks, but her ability to help women become better manufacturers helped inspire a generation and generate money for our country.
How To Get Veronica Lake Hair
Veronica Lake was told to change her hair to help inspire change in other women, but thankfully, the war is over. Lake’s iconic look is still highly regarded and sought after as an inspiration to women around the world. Veronica Lake’s hair can be achieved, but I am not a stylist, so I’m leaving it up to the experts. If you want to get the iconic waves, don’t worry, Theodore Leaf has you covered.
How Did Veronica Lake Die?
Sadly, at the age of only 50, Veronica Lake passed away from hepatitis and acute kidney injury on July 7, 1973, in Burlington, Virginia. This occurred shortly after Lake went to her doctor complaining of stomach pains. It was here that her doctor would diagnose Lake with cirrhosis of the liver, attributed to her many years of heavy drinking. An accomplished actress, an influencer long before social media, and a style icon, Veronica Lake did a lot in her lifetime. Her contributions to the world of film and fashion can still be seen today in a variety of popular trends and movies. It’s her efforts to help women better prepare themselves for factory life that may often go overlooked but should also be held in high regard. World War II took a complete team effort, from those fighting across the world to those back home supplying materials and goods to keep our troops ahead of the game. An influencer might get you to grab a coffee or pitch a cool meal at your local restaurant these days, but it’s largely because of the success America had on the battlefield during WWII that we enjoy such freedoms and economics. We have many people to thank for this, including, to some degree, Ms. Veronica Lake herself. Read next:How the Original Twinkie Flavor Was Changed Forever Thanks to WWII
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