

By Buddy Blouin

Owning a business is not for the faint of heart. Then again, neither is serving the United States through its various military branches. It makes sense then that when you look at the facts on Veterans and entrepreneurship, you’ll find that there are more than 21 million businesses owned by Veterans throughout America employing a whopping 5.8 million workers. Veterans Growing America (VGA) is an organization that is aimed at helping Veterans continue to make a positive economic impact in our country through promotional and networking opportunities. Related read:Small Business Loans for Veterans: What They Are and How To Get Them

An Overlook of Veterans Growing America

This mission of Veterans Growing America continues to be supporting Veterans who own businesses. These efforts may be from simply providing networking opportunities and fostering a community or one of the organization’s various local events or marketing programs. Veterans Grow America, as some colloquially call it, provides a forum for Veteran businesses to develop and grow. VGA helps Veterans not only increase their engagement within their local communities but also helps Veterans receive the right resources and proper support. Veterans Growing America also shows the same support and services for the businesses of spouses of Veterans to help foster their growth, as well. The Internet has been a game-changer for every industry, and understanding e-commerce continues to be an important component of any business’s success. If you are a Veteran entrepreneur, you can also receive assistance and support for your online business ventures through Veterans Growing America.

Veteran Entrepreneurs With Small Businesses Gain a Big Platform

Since 2019, Veterans Growing America has helped small businesses gain a larger audience for the goods and services they provide. Members can gain access to events in real life as well as the opportunity to sell their items online through VGA’s marketplace. Becoming a member is easy, and there are different packages depending on the needs of your business. All you have to do is confirm your military status, choose your package, and then confirm your account by entering the code you receive. Here are the three tiers available to Veteran business owners:

  • VGA Member is available for $15.00 per month and grants you access to the VGA marketplace, access to forums, a monthly newsletter, and more.
  • Veteran & Spouse Membership costs $49.99 per month and provides opportunities to be an AAFES Kiosk Vendor, 25% off of live vendor events, the ability to create your own store, resource webinars, and more.
  • Veteran & Spouse Owned Business is the deluxe package offering the same perks as the previous package, but for only $197.99 per year.

No matter which level of commitment you are ready for, Veterans Growing America has something to fit any business’s budget. It is a great marketing option that any Veteran-owned business should consider as a part of their overall strategy.

Veterans Growing America Provides Marketing Opportunities

The continued AAFES Veteran Business Expos across the United States and online efforts by Veterans Growing America mean that you can grow your business and create a larger network through your marketing efforts. Cutting through the noise continues to be a challenge for businesses, and every advantage counts. This can be particularly true for new businesses who may otherwise have issues finding the right way to get their name out there or finding the right resources when they run into problems on the technical side of their business. These issues and more highlight the importance of organizations like Veterans Growing America. They are an important resource for Veterans who own businesses and can help Vets and their families gain a competitive edge in their industry for marketing to a wider audience. VGA has helped Veteran entrepreneurs raise more than $154,000 directly since being founded. The organization continues to work towards its goal of providing a platform for Veterans to showcase their companies and gain access to the right resources to make sure they are successful. Veterans Growing America is an interesting organization to watch and could help you elevate your business online and in-person. Check out our VeteranLife podcast where we met up with a Veteran entrepreneur:Return to Base Podcast Ep. #11: Dean Wegner




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